Sunday, April 26, 2009


"I don't give a rat's ass if it helped! We are America! We don't fucking torture!"...Fox news anchor Shepard Smith, losing his cool in a panel discussion about the efficacy of torture. (Fox News Online Wednesday.)

I don't even like this asshole...but when your right?...Your right!


  1. That was quite a moment wasn't it?

  2. I'm going to have to You Tube that. Holy F Bomb, Batman!

  3. We should ship bush the buttroy to Iraq and have him stand trial in the kangaroo court they have over there.

    They better check the noose a couple times - he has a little neck and small head.

  4. I really dont get it...does he really think we didnt torture or is he being sarcastic...I just dont get it.

  5. It's always surprising when someone on the right comes out with something resembling the truth. You still don't know if you heard that right. I can imagine Youtube will get a lot of hits as people replay it over and over to make sure they heard it right.

  6. The rest of us in the US (and I'm sure around the world) knew about the torture techniques being used against the detainees in Gitmo and elsewhere for a very long time. Why does it take Fox News/Shepherd Smith until April 2009 to finally make a statement against these actions? Prior to this it was all about "doing whatever it takes to make us safe". Now it's "we want to be better represented around the world and America has lost face because of these actions"?? NOW you give a damn?? Hypocrites like the Faux News Network just piss me off to no end!

  7. Did I read that right? Was that for real?

  8. I haven't seen it on youtube, got this quote out of my DAM News(have till the 5th before they bail on me)..and all i could think of was.."Where the fuck were you when it was happening and when every one knew it was going on?..why didn't you say this then?"...buttroys..

  9. There's the YouTube link... and EXACTLY!!

  10. I think a lot of people believed TWAT (tha wah awn ter-r) was for real, and that Johnny-Reb meant what he said.
    A lot more just wanted to, and let it slide.
    It wasn't until it was taking longer to win a "war" against a bunch of bed-sheet-wearing losers that couldn't find reverse in a Soviet tank than it took to fight the oft-compared WW2 we started to see the scam for what it was.
    I saw a bunch of pictures of shit that looked like hazing pranks, but what was in the reports pretty much belied the fact that was all cover; a cock-and-bullshit story to obfuscate what was really goin' on.
    Government cannot be trusted, no matter who is in charge. I truly don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of U.S., but I do care greatly about the individual liberty of her citizens:
    If they can do it to them and get away with it, they can do it to you or me!

  11. You know how I feel about it.
    you can give it all kinds of euphemistic names,but it's torture,and we're supposed to be better than that.

  12. OK, I could use a link. I've been overworked

  13. Ted, the GOP started downhill when St. Ronnie said that government was the problem and everytime they were in charge they proved it. I hope I live long enough to see the FuckingRepublicans become the Whigs of the 21st Century!! That would be fitting as they replaced the Whigs.

    I too think they should use TWAT (The War Against Terror)!! It is more fitting than any other acronym!!

  14. Sure would love to see this on youtube or elsewhere... or the entire transcript. I don't watch Fox too much ... unless I want to get another viewpoint which usually ticks me off. Greetings from central Texas from a yellow dog...

  15. I put the link up on Searider Falcon, under a post called The Light Of Reason Dawns, with some pretty severe-ass commentary from Vox Day regarding the destroy-the-republicans.
    Word on da thtreet is Arlen Specter finally came out of the closet...'bout fkn time, too.

  16. It was well said. Too little too late maybe but at least someone is saying it out loud and getting noticed. Torture is torture and what has been done has been horrific.

  17. It was well said. Too little too late maybe but at least someone is saying it out loud and getting noticed. Torture is torture and what has been done has been horrific.

  18. I was surprised to see this come from him--usually a shill for the right. But he is correct, we are supposed to be the "good guys" goddamnit.


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