Thursday, July 09, 2009


I had problems with my hot water heater...was leaking water all over the they came and replaced it..First you have to know that I live in a retirement apartment complex, with government connections..These are really nice apartments..really..So when something goes wrong..they fix it as fast as possible. But with water heaters, because these are old farts and yes I fall into that category(sorta) the water temperature has to be set at a certain temperture and some of them have circulation problems and can't tell when the water is scalding. I don't have that problem and I love nothing more than a hot bath or hot shower..really hot..with steam..when they set it at 140 degrees, it barely gets hot and won't even cut the grease on my chili pot. So my water was still not hot..I complained to Charlotte, she finally told me the plumber was fixing the air conditioner in the apartment behind me..and to go talk to him myself..I could hear her laughing as she hung up the phone. She knew this was going to be ugly and least for us..not so much for the plumber..So I slung the girls into a bra, threw on t-shirt and shorts and went to find the plumber. He's sitting on his ass in front of the air conditioner and sweating like John McCain on the Letterman Show. I expressed my displeasure at the lack of hot water coming from my 'new' water heater and wanted him to either get me a new one or fix the one I had so it would
put out some fecking heat. He explained to me the 'inspectors will come by and be upset if they find it hotter than it's supposed to be.' I said I was sixty five years old and had all the fucking friends I needed, and wasn't interested in cultivating a friendship with the inspector.. At at the ripe old age of sixty five I was very capable of sticking my hand under running hot water and saying 'Ouch, motherfucker, that's too hot.' and removing my hand..After laughing for a seeming long time, he assured me when he fixed the air conditioner, he'd go by and turn up the heat on my water heater. Daddy always said.."The squeaky wheel gets oiled first.." guess that goes for water heaters too.


  1. Damn! I wasn't expecting to see that.
    I hope he gets your water hot enough.

  2. ..and now you just need a cold shower anyway don't ya?

  3. Ha ha, don't mess with the Yellowdog Granny, crack-boy!

  4. I've been reading your blog for a very long time and always enjoy it but I've never commented. Thought it was time to let you know you have a fan in SW Missouri! I'm a 63 year old grandma with language skills similar to yours! We share political beliefs too! I don't have a religion but get a kick out of hearing about yours! Thanks for the grins! Sorry I took so long to say so!

  5. tex:it's hot ...but damn..It's still not hot enough..I'm going to go out there and crank that fucker up..
    intenseguy:the heat index is yeah, a nice cold shower would be nice.
    debra;yeah, the old plumber would have set it very hot for me as he knew what i liked..will have to break the new guy in.
    peg:ahh, that's terrific..wish you had commented before..I'd put you on my email list and send you all my dirty emails..
    i lied about the new friends..the ones like you i can always use more of..

  6. Wow 140 seems hot to me but I am a pussy. I love hot baths did a good job wrangling him back in..but I bet he would have agreed faster if you didn't put your girls in a bra first.

  7. Sageweb is right. Cooping the girls up like that doesn't give you the right convincing ability.

  8. sage and jan:had on a short girls hang down below the hem..makes me look like i have 4 knee caps.

  9. 'I have all the fucking friends I needed'...AHAHAHA!
    This is why I love you. :)

  10. I guess with that picture I shouldn't say something like: you crack me up!

  11. "girls" just hang and sway in the breeze. I don't even try to lose weight, they would just get longer (to the knees). Call me weird, but when it is summertime, I like my showers/baths with hotter water. I probably have the most dried out skin in the universe, but what the hell - I feel better. Keep speaking up - I'm all for the "squeaky wheel" philosophy.

  12. I can just see you doing this! LOL!

    One thing I try to do is get the repairmen to show me how to change the temperature on appliances, etc. Well, the dude was here to check the air conditioner. It's all computerized, of course. Damn if I could follow his instructions. Geometry was easier.

  13. sling:how do i love thee..let me count the ways...
    themom:i was told that if you take hot baths or showers when it's hot outside, your body temp will be cooled by the air and you'll feel cooler than if you had a cool bath or for me..
    anne:yah, i had fun doing it..ha I can con our apt. manager to come over and turn it up as he did it before.

  14. *guffawing loudly*

    You're right - at some point in a former life, you gave birth to me.

    My line at work when people get piss-faced with me:

    "I'm here to work. If I'm your friend, it's a perk."

    So - how hot is the water now? I'm like you - if the shower ain't hot, it's ain't worth taking. And a lukewarm shower does nothing other than tick me off.

  15. buddha:its still not hot im going to go out there and crank the fucker up...bastids..
    yeah, i always thought i could have been 'yo ma'..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to