Wednesday, July 08, 2009


100 people get the swine flu and every one wants to wear a mask.
Over a million people have aids, and yet no one wants to wear a condom.


  1. Yes, I think "buttroys" just about sums it up.

  2. Having never tried to kiss anyone (or anything) in a surgical mask I won't knock it until I've tried it - but I can't imagine it feels as nice as kissing without one.

  3. i've been trying to catch that swine flu for months.

    the ladies think i'm nuts when i asked them to cough on me.

  4. And this is why I roll my eyes every time one of those new anchors break in with the drama about swine flu. There are for more important things permeating society regularly and more damaging and they focus on the ridiculous and make it a circus for the masses.

  5. Thank you, Voice of Reason.

    On another note, I took a public speaking class when I was a sophomore - it was a night class with lots of people working full-time and taking part-time night classes. One guy was a prison guard. His speech was on sexual "safety." He was kind enough to bring in a dental dam, explain how to use one effectively, and verbally liken it to "eating a cheeseburger through the wrapper."

    He got an A.

    Love it.

  6. What blows my mind is that sometimes the groups that are most against abortion and aids are also the groups that are against letting teenagers have access to condoms! ~Whispers~ "Personally, I think they're insane."

  7. That's because condoms don't "feel as good". (Rolling my eyes)


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