Monday, August 24, 2009


Or at least Yankee Girl thinks so..and that suits me just fine. To receive this award I have to name 5 things I am addicted to and give the award to 5 bloggers...Well, I'm pretty much over most of my addictions, and all of your blogs are fucking fabulous. But I can only do 5( I may cheat)
So lets see?..5 things I am 'still' addicted to.
1. Dublin Dr. Pepper, but then you all probably guessed that right off the bat didn't ya? Other than they just taste good..they are a link to my childhood..It brings back memories of me, Michael Ray, DI ann, and Larry Wayne each getting a dime and being allowed to walk from Big Mama's and Daddy Red's to Mrs. Weeks grocery store in Mesquite, Texas..DI ann and I got Dr Pepper's, Michael Ray got Nehi Grape and Larry Wayne got cokecolla.(which is what we called it..I think he drank it because Big Mama did, cause he was a titty baby.)
2. Blue Bell Ice Cream, preferably Rocky Road ...I love Rocky Road. Blue Bell is just the best ice cream for me..I am sure there are better brands of ice cream out there, but not to me.
3.Blogging and Facebook. I really do love blogging, mainly for all the wonderful people I have met and all the friends I have made. I don't get mushy often, but you folks are as close to me as my own family. Which isn't saying much as most of them are a bunch of assholes. And for what ever reason I really do have fun with Facebook. I get more replies to my Facebook comments then I do the blog most of the time. I have a 160 friends and don't know who most of the fuckers are, but I know their kids, husbands, kin folk and pets names, which if you think about it pretty cool.
4.The Dallas Morning News..What can I say. I love my fucking DAM News, along with my West, Texas News. Dallas gives me local, state and world news plus the sports department just rocks. I love everything about my West News but I love the Grocery sales updates the most. A good sale can mean the difference between buying local or having to go to the House of Satan. buttroys.
5. The Dallas Cowboys....Like that's a big surprise..There actually was a time when I lived in New Mexico before they won the first Super Bowl and they got so close so many times that I being young and fickle actually didn't like them and rooted for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Don't let that bit of information out ...I'd be burnt at the stake.
So considering I have been hooked on cigarettes, speed, acid, booze and dark haired men with a penchant for being pushed around by a big tittied blond, I'm doing ok.
and my five your blog is fucking fabulous are:
1.'s smart, funny, has a thing for orange traffic cones and takes awesome pictures.
2. ... has a weakness for animals and writes great stories about them. Rescues, adopting, heroic dogs, silly cats and like me doesn't like PETA... Plus she's just one of my favorite people..we email each other back and forth all day long..we're plum silly.
3. is a lady of such fine character I can't even begin to tell you. And I will tell you now that she's the one (she's going to be pissed) who paid for my DAM News ....So go by and tell her howdy.
4. . my, one of the funniest people I know..She makes me laugh and spit stuff out of my nose. You will love won't be able to help me...she's a cananaderian but don't hold that against her.
5. oh man..this is hard.....the last one...ok...I thought about it..and you are all my 5th favorite blog to receive the YOUR BLOG IS FUCKING FABULOUS.
so you all can play this if you want to...Just know ONE THING.. I love you...each and every one of you..Goddess bless you my children.


  1. I am humbled.

    And they say a Cowboy fan and a 49er fan can't be close friends. I do keep a cloth by my monitor to wipe it when you write something which happens often that makes me lol.

    I consider you the Garrison Keillor of Texas, but a lot funnier and you say fuck more than he does.

  2. I'd like to think that I'm the Canadian version of you, Jackiesue! LOL! I thank you for the honor!

    I need to find a way to make your blog go to the top of my google starts with Y and is waaaaaaay down at the bottom. I've been away so much this summer that it takes me days and days and days to get caught up!

  3. hey, wait a minute. what about nate? i thought you were addicted to pitbulls.

    i guess annie changed your mind.

  4. I'm gonna have to try a Dublin Dr. Pepper some day. For real. Butter too. I'm sure he'll be unbearable once he downs the soda, but that's the price I'll pay for broadening his horizons and otherwise spoiling him. I won't allow soda any other day!

  5. I must confess my ignorance, YDG. Is a Dublin Dr. Pepper different than a regular Dr. Pepper?

  6. hey Jackie :) I can't comment on Tex' blog - can you let him know? I have no idea why I cant - I've logged in using my google account as usual and no dice! I've tried for 3 days. :-/

  7. Thank you my friend....and I am pissed....that was our secret....but I love you anyway. I love the book you sent me in thanks, I love reading about your life in a small town and that you love your kitty Annie more than you love anything else including your DAM paper.

  8. Dittos the sage Sageweb.

    ...and thank you Goddess - I'm touched...

    Thank you for the reaffirmation.

  9. I knew you were Fucking Fabulous!..I just didn't know if I should say anything.
    I still proudly display my Dublin Dr. Pepper bottle (empty,of course) on my windowsill.

  10. I laughed out loud at: "I don't get mushy often, but you folks are as close to me as my own family. Which isn't saying much as most of them are a bunch of assholes," which caused a bit of trouble because I am at work and everyone wanted to know what I was laughing at. I told them I was laughing at the voices in my head. I'm pretty sure they all bought it!

  11. Congrats on the award...I can understand the sentiment, it is well warranted!!

  12. Congrats on the award...I can understand the sentiment, it is well warranted!!

  13. Both your blog and those boots are fucking fabulous. I imagine fucking fabulous to be much like fucking George Clooney because it probably doesn't get more fabulous than that!

  14. jan: hey..i have a eagles fan friend too...although since they hired vick she now roots for the cowboys..can you fucking believe that????? I love your blog and love that you like it here too..i live to make people spit with laughter.
    rox:put me under goddess of west..then i'll be closer to the top ..haha..
    oh man..a canadian version of'aye!
    billy:i will always love pitty bull dogs..i'm off fucking pissing cats though...she's sitting by me on the carpet now and every now and then i get a waft of cat pee...grrrr..
    nsww:if i think of it.the next package i sent to robet i'll stick 3 of them in there for you..they travel well..ive sent them all over the usofa..calif. ohio, utah, every where.
    debra:if you ever drank coke or dr pepper when you were a kid they came in the little 10oz bottle and were made with sugar cane sugar not that gluexlose shit..and Dublin, Texas is the only plant in the world that still uses sugar can and makes dr pepper in the small yes it is way different from the other's way better...
    sage:i like being fucking fabulous and your fucking fabulous too.
    tina:i sent him a email and let him know you were having trouble getting in to comment..
    rosemary:i know i promised i wouldnt tell, but i had to tell..ha..
    actually right about now i'm not hearting annie so much..ha..'pisspotpete' is what i call her.
    intense:hey!..your my bud.
    sling:we're all fucking fabulous. i need to send you a 6-pack and a new tshirt..ha..
    yankee:i like making people spit on their computer screen and laugh out loud..made my day..
    themom:your fucking fabulous too.
    bb:i'd give up the cobwebs for a geroge clooney piece of ass..

  15. Oh my goodness -- Blue Bell Ice Cream! That is one thing I miss livin' in Texas. A big bowl of Homemade Vanilla with a few drops of coconut extract mixed in. Lardy me.

    And yes. I remember those Dallas Cowboys, 'specialy back in the 70s when Golden Richards was on the team.

    Don't get me started. . .

    I'm really glad you came to say howdy.


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thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to