Friday, February 03, 2012

FRIDAY....the end of the work week for you working suckas

sorry I'm late ..fecking internet went out late last night before I preposted this and just now got it turned back on..sigh* back is demoled, and I didn't sleep to well last night..not that it hurt all that bad, just couldn't get slept late and I'm not very good at getting my shit together on the best of days, and really working in low gear now..but I'm perking up..watching that crazed cardinal have sex with my rear view mirror is cracking me up and driving Dexter nuts..he wants out so bad.Gotta run..Babs and I are going to Pizza House for lunch..I'm so excited, every little molecule in my body is all a twitter..there is a skunk egg in my future.
Every one have a wonderful weekend..we're supposed to get some more rain..which we still need..hasta luego vato's..


  1. Thanks as always!! Sharing the Organic foods! Feel better soon.

  2. Here's hoping the de-moling turns up nothing creepy! Have a great weekend!

  3. As always....enjoyed my visit here with you today.

  4. Enjoy your skunk egg, and have a great weekend! Catch you Monday.

  5. Organic Food and Android First Lady. Now ain't that the damn truth.

  6. Religious Right under construction -- right on! And that Callista Gingrich looks demented -- but then she'd have to be to marry Newt.

  7. The first one with the cat's words of wisdom cracked me up, I'll be sure to take heed! Hope you've managed a better night's sleep, I turn into everything on that PMT check list if I don't get my quota of zz's.

  8. I love the one with Morgan... LOL! "Narrate your own sh*t!"


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to