Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Chinese New Year was a smash. I made 2 huge pots of egg drop soup, over 70 chicken wings, we had oranges and apples and fortune cookies..and guess who forgot to make the rice? yup..There was a small container of egg drop soup left..they really did enjoy it..I think we had about 30 chicken wings left. I gave a little talk about Chinese New Year and figured out for them which animal they were born under and a little bit on the type of person they would be if they were born on a certain year. They really enjoyed that..I showed them how to use the chop sticks, but also told them if it didn't work for them they could just stab the food with the sharp end of their stick. Later on when I was walking by I saw quite a few of them eating their chicken wing off the chop stick where they had stabbed it..made me laugh. They really had a great time..I explained the difference between Chinese New Year and American New Year. That we just liked to get drunk and ring in the new year, while the Chinese used it to give nice gifts and food and in red, yellow and orange colors for good luck. It was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed it..but damn..kicked my ass. Seems like I can do the same thing I did last year but this year it rolls me over and kicks my ass. I'm home sitting on my heating pad. wore....out. hope you have a lovely Hump Day...
Oh Kathy or Jamie is going to down load the pictures and will post them for you..


  1. I find your preoccupation with chop sticks


  2. Great and plenty to share on FB too!! I am embarrassed to admit that I had not heard of ACTA...thanks. Love the dog's life vs Cat and nobody spanks Grandma!!

  3. As someone who's been sick all week, I must agree with the Nyquil one. I do love that shit though.

  4. Some great ones today Jackie.
    Chinese New Year sounds great, I was just reading an article about it yesterday and what the different foods symbolise, I didn't know a lot of it. We had our wedding reception in a Chinese restaurant and they served cut up oranges after our meal and now I know why, they symbolise good luck and happiness.

  5. Great stuff today, some relevant comments however:

    1) as much as I hate Romney, his swiss accounts were not tax shelters, all that was declared and taxed accordingly.

    2)I was a little sad when I saw the world could end hunger if we would just put down the goddamn guns for 8 days a year.

    3)"What did your dentist say?" Best line ever.

    4)He's a dickhead, but you get used to it. Classic!

    5)I have no idea what ACTA is. I'll do some research tonight.

    Keep writing!

  6. Your Chinese New Years sounds like it was awesome fun! Rest and put your feet up now. Great hump day gags!

  7. I'm glad your Chinese New Year celebration with the Seniors was fantastic!

  8. I STILL have the little red envelope with a dollar in it that I was given by a student almost 20 years ago. It still brings me good luck!


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