Friday, March 09, 2012


I'm doing this Thursday's dank, damp, drizzly and depressing outside..the Big D's..sigh*..we need the rain, but I'd like to know where it says it has to be dark and dank our just to get rain. I'm a 'I can handle anything like of ole lady' as long as there is sunshine..I do love thunderstorms..but I like them at night where I can watch the light show..feck..
I'm and boredom isn't a great combo..I have a tendency to get my ass in trouble when I was bored..I used to whistle aimlessly when I'd get bored and I've had friends run out of the room screaming 'run for your lives...she's whistling.'...But for me to get into trouble tonight I'd have to sling a bra on the girls, comb my hair, slap some make up on and pick out a clean t-shirt..awful lot of trouble just to get in I think I'll pass..but just in case I change my mind..put a good bail bondsman on your speed dial..


  1. Like the "war face" cause that's my mood.
    A Happy Weekend to you Jackie. (((hugs)))Pat

  2. "Sanitorium" rocks and so does the Jon Stewart one and that quotation from Thomas Jefferson. Have a great weekend -- I hope you get lots of sunshine!

  3. You and me are on the same page today (yesterday?) Granny. Ho, hum.

  4. You don't need a bra and clean shirt to get in trouble! Hell girl, the best way to get in trouble is to be braless ; )

    Also, thanks for the Jon Stewart eye candy.

  5. My theory was that if you drank Thursday night till past midnight, it was Friday. It was dark, so it was night. Therefore you get two Friday nights per week if you stay up past midnight on Thursday.

    I like the discount tent.

  6. I like the sleeping baby and mum one.
    Hope the weather improves.

  7. You posted this on Thursday for Friday and I am reading it on Saturday. Is this the beginning of dementia?

    Btw, Hippy Jersey Devil is right about the bra thingy.


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