Monday, January 20, 2014

rah rah ree...kick'em in the knee..rah rah ras, kick'em in the ........other's Monday


  1. Some real zingers this morning, YDG, but my favourite is the last words . . . . go out with a mindfuck, LOL!

  2. A wise [woman] once said nothing. I love it.

  3. Lots to ponder today,Jackiesue. The gorilla got to me. I followed the story of Hamm,a NASA chimp. When he was crated and moved from his "home"after years in the lab he kept frantically signing:"Hamm not okay"! We humans... I think I could have used a couple more uplifting ones. Today in the bug/windshield scenario ...I was definitely the bug! Tomorrow's GOT to be better...right? A HAHAHAHA. What was I thinking?
    I believe the correct response to the last one is:the Republican brand of politics! They can blame the Tea Baggers...but remember they were invited into the GOP! I honestly can't believe there hasn't been an uprising of some type. They're certainly not acting in OUR best interests! Kind of the" if you aren't enraged,you obviously don't understand the situation "! Sorry, climbing off my bugguts-splattered soapbox. ; >
    Thanks, Jackiesue. Hope you have a week of only good surprises!

  4. A lot of these are too heavy for a monday (and for a tuesday too) - it so hopeless.

  5. JackieSue
    I loved the one about men starting out as grapes. My wife is still chuckling.


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