Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Olivia and Abby in Abby's new car..after this was taken, she wouldn't allow anything in the car with her. If you handed her a toy she'll yell no no..and push it out of the car..she's not big into sharing ..I do think we are getting a shot of the beginnings of a hit and run..got one of the dolls..


  1. Sharing is pretty much overrated.

  2. "....and she'll have fun, fun, fun 'til her daddy takes the Minnie Mouse hot rod away!" Jackiesue,They are adorable! I don't see many dull moments in your future ; ) Have a great "hump day"!

  3. Adorable but deadly. Call the ambulance for that poor doll!

  4. Looks like she's getting ready to run down the doll in front..

  5. That's the cutest thing ever!!

  6. she comes by the no sharing honestly..her grandpa gave me a lecture on sharing when he was about 6-7..said sharing was when he took his toy and let some other kid play with it..it was not sharing if you took the toy from him and let another kid play with it..that's stealing..I don't share.

  7. Kids this age are so funny. It's like they're so entrenched in what they're doing that you mess things up if you try and give them something else to play with. They put everything they have into what they're doing. Stubborn.

  8. Sharing is way over-rated! I figured that out early. I was oldest and all the younger kids tore up all my toys.

  9. Aren't they adorable!!

    :) Too durn cute is what they are!


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