Friday, January 24, 2014



  1. OK Granny; no more Patriot jokes.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I like the "I in team" one and the resisting arrest one.
    You'll see them on my FB page, stolen from you!

  3. Yes- Thank Odin IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!

    ..long week...

  4. sorry ole Buzzard..I'll quit picking on your patriots..
    Oh the minute I saw the helen keller cat I cracked up laughing..hah
    I thought the I in team was genius.
    hope you have a better weekend KARL.

  5. The Payton Manning ones have me in stitches.

  6. I have to admit they do bring happiness to my heart..ha

  7. Oh, Jackiesue, there's lots to appreciate today! LOVED the 2 second dog & ticked-off husky...and the moneychangers( I'd love to mass email THAT one!) Sorry, but bring on the Brady funnies ( go Broncos... specifically Peyton : ). Torn between: "can't wait for the Super Bowl and OMG no football until August!!!!!) And I want to thank you for the, I'm not going to say 'pro pot' thoughts, rather 'pro pot-sanity' thoughts. It's about time we changed that whole crazy thinking . Someone once said (for obvious reasons I can't remember who...; D ) "Smoking pot should not only be should be mandatory!!!" ESP with OUR politicians.
    .....and yes,tho I'd never admit it to my mother, Mittens the "cat" made me laugh out loud. Have a great weekend, Jackiesue. Thanks for helping us close the door on one bodacious week.

  8. I'm late getting here today but better late than never, as they say. Got bigga bigga laughs from the "i" in "team," the powerful pubic hair, clouds, the Swedish Chef, and Helen Keller and Mittens.

    But the best one of all is the Fuckety Fuck mug!

  9. I have to admit Jerri I don't think much along the lines of hope this makes their week or day..but when i read that it has, it makes me feel good...

  10. it should, Jackiesue. : ) You make us laugh, smile, nod our heads AND shake our heads. You bring giggles and guffaws...and tears welling...and all those things makes us know we're alive & not ridin' in this rodeo alone. Most importantly you make us think...plant some seeds. You keep sharing and we'll keep enjoying. Win/win :-)
    (Had to come back to re-read ...loved the "God must think I'm a baddass" true, so true.)

  11. I like to make people think..laughs are good...but thinking..well, that's the best..have a great weekend.

    i'm with you Debra..I love that mug..almost as much as the one my granddaughters gave's a mug with a penis for a handle..

  12. Helen Keller's cat. That was just too funny.

  13. A well placed Helen Keller joke is ALWAYS a good thing! The Swedish Chef made me piss my pants!

  14. how bad are we to think the Helen Keller one was funny...very bad.

  15. how bad are we to think the Helen Keller one was funny...very bad.


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