Friday, August 21, 2020

donald is looking for that 2 peckered goat for a little 'get together'..


  1. Loved the mail-order bride one! I hope you have a great weekend, and hug the kitties for me.

  2. Steve Bannon's going to jail, Steve Bannon's going to jail, Steve Bannon's going to jail!

    It was with a light h heart and joy in my soul that I read your round-up today. If it feels this good to be at the beginning of the end, imagine how delirious we will be when it's the end of the end and the beginning of Biden/Harris.

    Have a great weekend, JackieSue.

  3. Ha ha, the 2020 logo! I love the post office box with the slogan "This machine stops fascists" -- the US needs a Woody Guthrie right now.

    My biggest laffs were for the bouncy house at the funeral, and the interpretation of Buddhist philosophy!

  4. What the hell is going on in the background of the "God hates jews" snap?
    Is that guns?
    That's as far as I got, back to the scroll!

  5. Happy Friday...right? Great selection today. The logo is PERFECT!
    No,Mike, not even "mommy" (how weird is that?) can protect your sorry ass! You aren't going to know what hit you. BTW it will be a strong woman with the power of her convictions...and you're burnt toast.
    Never thought of the bouncy house! There's a visual.
    " I miss Obama, and I miss her husband too." SO true.
    And there's the "Goodyear Thing" What an asshole. Next thing you know some yahoos will be trying to shoot down the blimps. I would like to think we're smart enough to figure this out...but it's Ohio...and we DO have "some" nonthinkers.
    Son coming home with a different mask. Of course. Close the schools!
    Wild Bill
    Well, I feel better after the Convention. Wasn't it nice to see kindness, humor and intelligence? Hear complete sentences that don't make you cringe. Not confident, cuz the repubs are a slimey lot, but reassured we have good peeps. What we can't do is give drumpf's bullshit ANY credence. After you are gone. We can do it the easy way...or the hard way. Regardless, you are outta there.
    I understand mindless Mitch can't speak at their convention because apparently...for some reason...the people he "represents" hate him right now. Pity. Soon it will just be the "my pillow guy" speaking πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
    Well, JackieSue, did you all three make it through the night? I might be hesitant to open that door in the morning πŸ˜‰ You've got your hands (and heart) full. Thanks for the thoughts and smiles. Have an amazing weekend. I've gotten to hug 5 of the 7 g'kids!!! I'm betterπŸ€—

  6. The postal machines removed from key swing states is very scary

  7. I enjoyed them all, but the bilingual one was my favorite. You have to know your shit though, if you wanna get away with it. English my first, Spanish by osmosis. I treasure them all,even the ones i can't speak.

  8. Valerie the kitties are pissed..and to really piss them off instead of getting up early for them I slept til 10...they were livid.hahah
    vivian, oh I hope so..and for a long long time..and since he pissed of trump he won't be looking for a pardon..hah
    Debra, I want a bouncy house at my funeral for sure..wouldn't that be cool..I would hope my family would toss me in it and let me bounce a couple of times..
    bruce, no telling what those Westboro assholes have back there. keep scrolling.
    Jerrri, the convention gave me hope, but I'm still afraid..don't trust donald to not try some trick to stay. I have to lock the doors, little fuckers kow how to unlatch the door..they have been sucking up to me all day though...ha..
    blog, it terrifies me..mail is stacked up everywhere.

    richard..arent languages lovely..I love to hear all languages..some are like music..

    thanks for stopping by everyone..have a great weekend.


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