Thursday, August 20, 2020

wonder what trump has on melania to keep her in the white house????


  1. Good morning JackieSue. I guess I'm the first today, and I just finished breakfast so now I'm all set to make my daily bad decisions.

    Thanks for the pep talk!

    Look Out Thursday, I'm Coming In.

  2. The illustration for the "Birther-2000" virus is perfect. And I like the "follow the possum if lost" advice!

  3. yeah,Vivian Debra's in Canada so she's usually the first to you must have gotten up really did I..Simba is obsessed with looking out the bedroom window(squirrels and birds)and keeps pulling my curtain rod Rocket insists on getting on top of the entertainment center and knocking over my I was up at 6:30 ..I'm locking the bedroom door so they can't get in there..and I have to lock it cause they can open the door with no help..arghghghghg
    my water bottle sprayer is going to get a lot of use today I can tell.
    Debra, who knew the possum was the answer to our problems..haah

  4. Melania is an absolutely worthless first lady.

  5. OMG! As always these are fucking great, but I have to agree with Keith Richards...WHO THE FUCK IS KANYE WEST? (shhh! I know who he is. He's a crazy, little, annoying pissant that Trump dug up from a nest of crazy, little, annoying pissants to stir things up, but like I said who the fuck is Kanye West?) You do know that Donald Trump came from that same nest of pissants, don't you? Fucking annoying pissants are trying to take over the election and WE ARE NOT GOING TO LET THEM!

  6. Thank you, JackieSue . I KNEW fucking with the mail could get you in trouble! Let's hope there's enough angry people that it can't be ignored.. Go Rob Reiner-with you all the way! does "pucker" and "sucker" but I like yours best.
    "YearQuil" 😂
    Kieth Richards 😂 😂 I'm with Mildred ✌️
    That 'possum information is pertinent here in Ohio!
    And "Get the fuck away from me" PSA
    The Vietnam Nam senior trip hit home. Those were horrible times.
    Sounds like you're enjoying your kitties 😉 You do realize you'll spend the night listening to them rattling the door? My money's on you, though.

  7. Did I miss your speech at the convention, lord knows you spend more time with politics than our politicians. XOXOXO

  8. What's keeping Melanoma in the White House is the hope Cheetolini will have a heart attack while she's married to him. She knows he's a fraud with no real money so she's waiting on the life insurance.

  9. Modern Conservative thinking is so true. And thanks for using my meme


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