Wednesday, August 05, 2020

fuck you trump and the whore you rode in on.

                            homeless? can't vote.


  1. The 'sound medical advice' vs demon sperm maga is perfect! Have a great day!

  2. Valerie, I got woke up at 4a.m. by 2 fat cats laying on made 2 pans of blueberry muffins and puttered around in the garden..starting to's almost 8..going to make a batch of breakfast burritos..

  3. I depend on you to keep the outrage in the forefront.
    How goes the kitties?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. "Sweet Caroline" ban -- LOL! Cream of mushroom, yuck! My fave is the cat one -- "I love you" / "Bitch, do I know you?" Hahahahahaha! Having fun with the new kitties?

  5. What a roller coaster ride! Great variety of hilarious and heart sickening. Started chuckling at Rubio's R.I.P. for " Herman Cain" but when I saw Melania in all her glory with: "I call it cream of mushroom" OMG how PERFECT(LY disgusting) That one's going to give me smiles for miles.
    LOVED Eric Swalwell's reply to Louie! Can we "Reply All" to the population?
    And Stephen King's idea is outstanding.
    Wheat sharks!
    The CLI Club!😂
    And thank you for mentioning Mr Jordan. We refer to him as GYM Jordan 'round here. Isn't he a piece of work? What a little snot. We go and scream at him...I mean try to engage him whenever he comes to his office in town. Another mindless blind "genius" lurching after our Loser-In-Chief. He's such an embarrassment. I think he might have your Gohmert beat! Have you noticed they're both short little shits? Power issues?
    Again I ask...where is the adult in the room?

    Sorry you were up early but when you lay down with two tigers...always a possibility. What impresses me is your ambition! Bluberry muffins AND breakfast burritos? I can putter in the garden just fine...but that actually functioning part? Wow. Impressive. If you have Rocket on a diet, I wouldn't turn my back on him! He might be able to take you and your turkey sandwich😉 Sounds like you're all enjoying the snuggling and that's what it's about.
    Thank you,JackieSue. You make my day🤗

  6. Cream of Mushroom Soup. So glad that was never something I enjoyed...

  7. Jerri, making your day, makes mine..I'm going to see if I can train him to be harnessed and go for a walk ...
    oh az man..isn't that the truth?..gak..haha


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to