Tuesday, August 04, 2020

what's the difference between trump and a pile of shit...??? nothing.


  1. Manitoba . . . province of my birth! We invented social distancing, it's true.

    And yes, change the election to next Tuesday!

    That swimsuit one, LOL!

  2. I'm guessing the pile of shit might smell better and have better manners. Definitely smarter.
    Yes, Tuesday will be perfect! Will save thousands of lives...and my sanity. Will give me time to get a party tray!
    "The fruit or the color...?"😂😂😂
    "Nice job,asswipe. You have destroyed us" One of my favorite testosterone-filled movies!
    "Clowns to the left of me..." Poor Dr Fauci. I can only imagine what he's thinking bout all this.
    Little Louie Goober... I mean Gohmert. What a dick.
    " Oh, please. I was grounded 90% of the time..." I also trained hard.
    But, JackieSue, the 911 "feeling you got when the second plane hit". Powerful and accurate.

    And now we wait...
    Have a great day. Thanks for keeping that glimmer of hope going.

  3. Thanks, Jackie Sue. Loved the bathing suit one--I wear tankinis, as in they will fit and flatter a tank (me).

  4. I always think of you when I post anything about Canada, Debra..especially Manitoba..
    Jerri..every day I think..today will be better..today there will be a glimmer of hope..nah, we're still fucked..

  5. Looks like your getting closer. . . Oh Adolph !

    Our election is today, but just a setup for November.


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