Thursday, November 12, 2020

happy birthday to mee.....



  1. Haha--strangle with phone--good times! Although I mostly tripped over it. And yes, alcohol has been so very wrong . . . so many times. Have a great Birthday Jackie Sue! Wishing you every good thing (and a few naughty ones!)

  2. Happy Birthday, Jackie Sue! Blessings. Have a fantastic day.

  3. Happy Birthday, Jackiesue! I hope your day is extra special!

    I like the "Final Jeopardy" cartoon. And the press conference at the Ritz! And the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott! Keep 'em coming, internet!

  4. Happy birthday Jackie Sue. Thanks for the many many many laughs.

  5. Well Happy Birthday!

    I think my emotions are still fragile. A few of these made me tear up. It ain't over 'til it's over, and it ain't quite over yet. I know that the Trumpers are busy laying land mines inside the White House and all the rest of the executive branch. I pity Biden and Harris. Mitch McConnell will do everything he can to make us fail, just for spite.

    Can I move to Georgia just to vote for two Democratic senators?

  6. Feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts: there is no difference because I'm doing them at the same time.
    The Ol'Buzzard

  7. Happy, happy birthday! Have a wonderful day and don't forget the cake and ice cream! Ding dong the witch is dead, should be the theme song for trump - you know, every time a picture of him is shown, that's what the accompanying music is.

  8. valerie..I remember when a boy would call and taking the kitchen phone clear across the kitchen to the small pantry and going in and shutting the door so I didn't have to talk in front of my parents who were standing right there grinning at me.If you have read any of my old post I have a litany of alcohol stories..all what you should not do while drinking.and a marriage on yeah.having alcohol around was interesting.

    thank you everyone for the birthday wishes..someone at my sons work tested positive so there goes my birthday dinner..but considering that some people never got to tell their loved ones good by when they were's no biggy..
    Pam, no cake or ice cream..well maybe some Bluebell Rocky Road for dessert after dinner.
    O'l buzzard ..I checked it out and it's not against the law.
    we were going to have a small dinner at my sons tonight but someone just tested positive at Thom's it will be postponed..but under the circumstances with what other people have had to's cool
    Genevieve I had cinnamon toast for breakfast and probably going to have bacon burger for lunch and something else bad for me for dinner.
    thank you Debra..I love the jeopardy one..such a loss..such a great man.
    thank you Beth..appreciate it.
    Vivian I can't get excited..I don't trust trump to not start a war to keep in when they swear him in I'll celebrate.

  9. Blapy Nerfdae!

    Go have something with cheese and bacon on it. :)

  10. Happy birthday! Me? I'm just feeling my nuts.

  11. Yeah, that alcohol can be such a shit sometimes. We haven't been on speaking terms for many years now. It's so much more fun to be gathering evidence... I mean not waking up wondering what dumbass thing I did or said. And after being careful for these months, I gave DS a ride home yesterday, forgot my mask. I did crank up the blower on outside air though. Oh lovely - last night DS texts DH that he got sent home because "things are smelling funny". sigh - waiting for his results... Time to make more masks and put some in the car.

    Happy Birthday! I hope we get many more posts from you.

  12. �� Happy Birthday dear! ����

  13. Oh Sweet Jesus! I didn't mean to be that mysterious above! Those signs were purple heart and two flowers. ♡

  14. You're quite right about the trust thing..

  15. thank you Lin...hope everyone is ok..
    my son ordered me Cordon Bleu for my dinner was sooo good..the bread..omg..
    Jono and Ol' and your nuts.
    justgail..yeah, that alcohol can really make you do stupid things..and married 2 of them
    I think I'll still be around posting for awhile..he aint over yet.
    heli.I love 2 hearts and purple flowers..ha
    yeah, like I said ..I'll breathe easier when they are swore in..

    thanks for the bdays wishes y' was great.

  16. Happy Birthday, JackieSue !!!🤗 💃🎂🎈🎉💫💎 Sure glad we share this lifetime, you're a peach! Make a difference. Be the change. That's you! Kept me off the roof.
    First...LOVE the Julia Sugarbaker/Dixie Carter meme. Classy dame. PERFECT.
    John McCain filled my heart.
    Final Jeopardy
    Nod to Talking Heads 😂 Who knew Four Seasons Total Landscaping would be the BEST laugh I've had since your Melania" I call it mushroom soup" meme 😂 😂 You can't make this shit up.
    The HAT " We did. 46" !
    " You have no power here" A-fucking-men!
    "Not with a bang but a WI/MI/PA" 🤗
    And of course Sean Connery❤️ ❤️ ❤️ OMG
    I couldn't let your birthday go by without a tip of my hat. I wander through while waiting at appointments and bedside but often don't have the time to post...but this is important. Remember, as you save your own sanity, you have also shored up the sanity of others. You don't have to have ALL the answers to make a difference, you just have to care. Thank you for caring and having the best fucking sense of humor I've had the privilege of experiencing! You ROCK❤️
    Thank you for the offer of talking, it means a lot. When things are "less intense" I will take you up on that. I mostly cry, yell or cuss presently.

  17. Jerri..anytime sweetie..any time..and thank you so much for the kind rock


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