Friday, November 13, 2020

this ain't parler y'all..



  1. Happy Friday! I do talk about ducks more often since our neighbors moved and left us their cute little couple. Loved the best friend--I can relate! Have a great weekend!

  2. "Damn mask," LOL! I like that Stacey Abrams quotation, Goddess bless her. But my fave is Parler = MeinSpace. Brilliant!

  3. Happy Friday! This is the beginning of the end and I feel fine!

    Even once in a while I re-post those GQ nudie pix of Melanoma just to keep her "classiness" alive on the internet.

    I'll be so glad to see the last of her.

  4. valerie..I had a new one yesterday ..was texting my grandaughter about covid and said fuck and it came up Buick..what the fuck?
    I hope Biden gives Stacey a position in his administration. she's fantastic.
    vivian I'll still rest easy when he's sworn in.

  5. So many good ones, Jackiesue. It is also nice to see memes about brighter days ahead and the empowerment of young ladies. Take care

  6. What the Buick !

    Hope all are well and enjoying... whatever !


  7. I'll say what I said elsewhere:

    ANYONE who willingly worked for this administration deserves to be unemployable for the rest of their lives.

  8. Saved the Rod Stirling meme. The four fingers caught me off guard. Damn that was funny

  9. Mr Shife, we're all in need of better memes ahead..
    Az..yeah..Buick???? haha
    Wibble, I made your bed..stay unemployed in it..

    ooooh I loved the 4 fingers one..hahah


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to