Wednesday, June 29, 2022

one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready go cat go....

I want to see them draw a pentagram on the field and sacrifice a goat to the gods..See how that sits with them.



  1. I'm right there with the birds and bees and panic attacks!

  2. "Dawn is tough on Greece" GROAN GROAN GROAN! And yeah, the idiot apocalypse is here alright.

    And thanks, I'm stealing the "4th of July is cancelled this year due to shortage of independence" for my own blog.

  3. Pam I'm just ass dragging..been cleaning house..I'm old school ....on my hands and knees scrubbing kitchen damn it looks good..cleaned bathroom, and now I'm going to clean the stove and fridge...I ache all over but figure it hurts when I don't do anything..might as well hurt while I'm cleaning my fucking apt.
    Debra..steal away...and oh have some groaners coming up for you..

  4. tough on Greece - teehee good one!
    I had no idea about the bees and fireworks. part of me hopes this is one is false. but I know the parts about the rest are true, so...?
    That last one - I figured that out long ago. The downside is with so much on the line now, I wish I could just shoot my mouth off at the drop of the hat sometimes.
    Yeah, when you hurt for no reason, you may as well give yourself a reason to hurt *and* get things done. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Is that the self-inflicted version of telling a kid "Keep it up and I'll give you something to cry about." ? I should fire my cleaning person, but that's me. And me is too cheap to hire it done, IF I could even find someone reliable. Though I'd gladly pay someone to come do the weeding, if I could find someone.
    I hope you don't ache too so much when you're done that you can't enjoy the nice clean apartment.

  5. Thanks for the funnies amongst the travesties. I loved the lonely cat.

  6. Gail, yeah, but where I did just hurt, now I hurt like a sonofabitch.hahahah
    I even took time to make a version of meatloaf that I just made I am enjoying weird meatloaf and clean apt..
    Rick everyone loves a lonely cat.

  7. Anyone who doesn't "get" dawn is tough on Greece, never washed any dishes.

  8. well of course River...dawn does all the dirty work.

  9. I want to say the idiot apocalypse seems like its at full strength but those idiots have a way of surprising you. I really hope AOC runs for president.

  10. SCROTUS is destroying America and they have only just begun

  11. Mr shife...with Pete as her vp..
    Allen they are still doing trumps bidding..fuckers.


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