Friday, July 01, 2022

I found my thriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil on Capital Hill....



  1. Ah, Jackie Sue, some great groaners you got there! And if Trump said you fell on the knife, he'll claim he never knew the knife. Such a sorry state of affairs this country is in. If God is in the smiting mood, I hope he looks at the lying sumbitches on the (Not) Supreme Court. Have a great 4th!

  2. Ha ha, stole the lawyer one! And GROAN @ Lamb Bikini. Stole that one too. I agree 110% with Mark Jacob's tweet -- the Constitution is a living document, not a dead one like those "white, slave-owning men" from 2 centuries ago. "America is the worst season of Duck Dynasty" HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's true.

  3. So much good stuff, so little time. But you managed it because you are a superwoman. Have a good weekend!

  4. Great run of both fun stuff and chilling reminders, Thanks

  5. Love, LOVE the Genie one....people forget that it was Dick the Butcher, plotting an illegal overthrow of the country, who said "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" in Henry IV part II...

  6. valerie I'd like to see the Goddess blast the supreme court right in the ass..
    Rick I don't feel like superwoman..did my monthly grocery shopping today and kicked my ass...1056 degrees out..Texas...gotta love it.
    you're welcome anonymous ..thanks..
    Bruce...don't tempt me...fecking lawyers.

  7. Love the Star Trek ones :)
    and the one about reading the Bible instead of hiding behind it.

  8. Oh No! I've been caught in your spam folder :(

  9. If they kept Trump's head alive in a jar, it would just spend those thousand years boring everybody with demands to get a bigger jar than all the other severed heads.

  10. River..fuck..I go thru when I remember and show them as not spam..fuckers.


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