Friday, August 12, 2022

fuck it's a grand day for us snowflakes.



  1. Are the chickens FINALLY coming home to roost for Donald Trump? Let's hope so!

  2. Ha-hah! Loved the 'lick the bowl' one. God I hope that asshole doesn't weasel his way out of this--it will be the end of American democracy. Have a good weekend, Jackie Sue!

  3. So many good ones. I really liked the "all gave some, some gave all, one had bone spurs." And "lick the bowl" was a good one too...

  4. Wow, Oh Wow! I hope that orange creep gets put away and the keys thrown away.

  5. Double standards depending of which «blind» people are lookiing to «facts»

    1. The January Capitol invasion was a «tourist tour».
    2. FBI entering MORON A LARGO was an outragious destructive intrusion...

    Why are those GOP, law and order, always complaining when the police is acting according to the law?

    More than time to put those «Trumplicons» and their guru in jail.

  6. Valerie...ok...scoop...I'm getting that sign for my bathroom..seriously.hah
    resting up for a gg run this weekend...
    JimmyT...I'll take a picture of my bathroom with that sign...
    Ricky going to be hard to beat treason?
    JiEL how the republicans n still support him is beyond me.

  7. Dear Dog but I hope they finally bring the hammer down...

  8. "Raise your hand if you think Joe Biden is doing a good job"
    I raised mine. Both of them.
    Fingers crossed the tailors are already stitching up a giant orange jumpsuit.

  9. Lick the bowl: I love it. Where can I get that sign?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  10. me2 wibble
    river..oh yes...hes doing it ...and for us not against it.
    If I find it buzzard, I'll get you one.too..hah

  11. you're welcome pleasure.


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