Monday, August 15, 2022

is he in handcuffs yet? part2



  1. That bastard can't be in handcuffs fast enough, as far as I'm concerned. Lock him up!

    "Now he shuts up" -- yeah, ain't that the truth!

    MAGA Tears of Impotent Rage -- cool and refreshing!

  2. Debra..yeah, pretty quiet from him...that asshole...

  3. I also want to see Trump et al. in orange jumpsuits, cuffed and shackled together on their way to Riker's and a federal pen after that!

    Love the aerial banner, MAGA Tears of Impotent Rage: drink all you want, and the "locked and loaded" meme!

    BTW, I also sent the snowballs...

  4. Are we sure they make handcuffs that small?

  5. Bunny I just want it impossible for that fucker to never be able to hold office and has to admit everything was a big fucking lie and he scammed all them fuckers.
    Ozma? I'm not sure but I'm sure that he has tiny hands to hold his tiny prick.

  6. I love the Ha Ha banner and the snowball in Hell.
    And all the others too of course.


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