Monday, August 15, 2022

treasonous traitor...a week ago he couldn't spell he is that. part 1



  1. The ketchup bazooka! Press conference at The Ritz! "There goes my retirement fund." "Sparkling treason."


  2. Boy I needed this today! It's ridiculous how the Repugnicans are twisting themselves inside out to defend the indefensible. Have a good one!

  3. Unlike the flying monkeys,
    these "people" CHOSE to be this way.

    Don't let other people "forget" this fact.
    (I'm looking at you, so-called never-trumpers)


  4. thanks Debra...I really liked the retirement fund one.
    valerie..I don't understand how they can defend this at all...and terrorizing the fbi judges and other police officials? asssholes me..every trumper I run into in West I put my dig in...

  5. don't forget..there's a new post right after this one..part two.

  6. Another great line-up, YDG! So many LOLs, there are tears rolling down my face -- ketchup blaster, Rudy at the Ritz, FBI chopper with huge plunger, and sparkling treason! Repuglican backbones in El Crapitain's safe is plausible, but I'd have bet money it was full of their testicles in Dixie Cups!

  7. A really terrific lineup! A lot of these will magically reappear on my blog soon. I especially like "sparkling treason".

  8. Bunny, you are so sweet and glad I brought some laughter into your world.
    Ricky magically put them on your blog..I'm thinking about getting a cat, and if I do I'm naming it sparling treason.

  9. I really wish that one day Trump finds out what it is like to live dirt poor with no resources or benefits other than what the poor of America have, (which is pitifully little and should be changed somehow)
    I think it is what he deserves. Maybe he will get that in jail, with no special treatment.

  10. River...I wish him a whole lot worse


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