Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday you mother fucker..this is your last chance not to fuck up this weekend..



  1. Brilliant collection! Happy Friday to you!

  2. Living in the Land of Crazy -- boy, ain't that the truth! But I got a good GROAN out of "Sherbert"

  3. "Happy With A Twist" used to be me. Now I'm just twisted. And "SSDD" is spot on. Have a great weekend!

  4. thank you Rad...glad you liked it
    Debra until we get rid of those fuckers in the maga hats it's going to remain crazy.hahah, I knew you'd love Sherbert.
    yeah, Rick...being twisted is a lot of fun. and think I'm going to just rest up this weekend..

  5. "Same shit, different day" So true.
    I really hope the cuts to medicare and social security DON'T happen.

  6. Great week of fabulous memes you got there YDG. I'm just catching up--have a new work schedule. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. River if the republicans get in? they will sure as fuck try.
    wondered where you were Valerie...glad you're here..have a gg in bed snoring..we had a great lunch watched stand by me and trying to find a spooky movie that's rating pg-13..but all we want to watch is R rated..ha

  8. Hello yellowdoggranny i always come here and i am here again.
    This time i would like to tell you about the coyotes that i heard a couple nights ago. There is no sound like that. I wonder why they come here, because it is so dangerous.

  9. Richard...and you have no idea what that means to me..thanks!!!!!
    they are running out of room where they are safe and there is plenty of food..keep all cats and small dogs in the house at night..and what a sound that is..sends shivers.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to