Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Testing, you fucking here Wednesday? Too late to play coy.



  1. The Village People would never have let that happen! Have a terrific Hump Day!

  2. debra...I sure as fuck hopeso.
    Rick...I'd like to think so .

  3. Gotta say...
    while God is undoubtedly correct,
    Commander Pickles has a good point!


  4. It’s somehow comforting to know God gets as exasperated with us as I do.

  5. Yeah, that 'calm spirit' rarely lasts...usually giving way to this

  6. So many good ones, YDG!

    And love him or hate him, LBJ was very astute... a young aide asked him once if it was better to be a Senator or a Congressman? LBJ replied, "Well, son, that depends on whether you want to be chicken salad or chicken shit." In 2022, the GOP has embraced being the latter in all 3 branches of the U.S. government, LOL! I think they should even change their emblem from an elephant to a chicken with the motto "We're Afraid Of Our Own Base"...

  7. I'm with the baby staying in bed right at the top there.
    I got a few laughs from the others, "Built In Antenna" and God saying what a nightmare we are.

  8. Random, this god is the only one I follow..he makes better sense than the supposedly real one.
    anonymous..the Goddess said fuck y'all to us eons ago.
    oh Bruce I fucking love that...and stole it.
    LBJ had some great quotes..but then again he was from texas.
    River, there are days when I am pissed by the time I get to the bathroom after getting out of bed..ha yah, built in antenna was funny.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to