Monday, December 19, 2022




  1. "Sorry, kid, I gotta go" -- that's about the size of it. Love Dan Rather's tweet about Twitter, LOL.


  2. Thank you for the laughs this morning!

  3. What a great surprise! I want to know where you get all your energy & motivation.
    Donny’s NFTS…. Oh, my fucking god. That’s all I can say.
    Lots of great choices today. Thought-provoking and hilarious. When confronted with the absurdity of Lauren Boebert I transpose it to Lorina Bobbitt who awhile back was charged with cutting her husband’s dick off. It helps.
    Well, thanks, YDG, but this time we need to take the goat home with us too. Last time he got in all kinds of trouble without me 😉
    Hang on, going to be a crazy week. Rest up ❤️

  4. Stole a couple. Parable and Holy Night.

  5. EXCELENT TO VERY Good roll out today. Thanks and have a merry Merry Christmas. C

  6. Here's the link to the sold-out Trump-to-Biden jigsaw puzzle. Everyone go leave a review asking him to bring them back. I'd buy several.

  7. your welcome Rick..
    Jerri...I have no clue. Sometimes I have all the energy in the world and the next I can barely pull my drawers up..NFT's...what a money laundering scheme that is..
    I'd like to bitch slap Lauren and Marjorie right upside their stupid heads..
    I'm resting up as the gg's are coming this weekend.well 2 out of 3..Olivia is spending some time with her grandma. We share..she told me she was so 'fricking happy' she didn't have to go to visit her dad as she doesn't get along with her ultra religious step mother..her way of getting even is to pretend that she can't remember her name...gotta love that kid.
    thank you very much C...I appreciate it...
    oh anonymous I am def going to go there and tell him to bring them back..I can think of at least 3 people I would buy it for ..haahha..I left a review saying bring it back I have more people left to piss off.

  8. Good laughs here today, but I am very sorry for that poor woman having a miscarriage.

  9.'s criminal..they should all go to jail.

  10. Santa's tramp stamp and High Plains Grifter provided some much needed belly laughs today! Thanks, YDG and have yourself a very merry Christmas!

  11. thanks Bunny...I've thought about getting a mistletoe over my buttcrack too..haha
    merry Christmas to you also.

  12. Happy Solstice. A real occurrence to celebrate
    the Ol'Buzzard


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to