Sunday, December 18, 2022

Senior Center Christmas Party

we had 3 turkeys, 2 hams, sweet potato casserole, green beans with bacon, dressing,mashed potatoes and turkey gravy. That's what me Donna(hams) and Chris(one turkey and dressing) made. We had czech noodles, slaw and sausage, corn casserole, other sides. and a shit ton of desserts. Plus we gave out Christmas gifts to our regulars. 

this couple came up and thanked me over and over..said all their family lived in other states and without this they wouldn't have had a Christmas dinner. made my day.

                                               the lady in purple top and 
                                       this guy have been drivers for many years..very nice people.
                 this is the mom and dad Heidi and Chris that are parents of my favorite kid.. he helps me every year.
                                 Donna and my good friend Cynthia..
                                                    lady with  pony tail is our egg lady..she has over 100 chicken. The gg's love to go out and chase her chickens.

                                 this is one of my soup eating buddies..he loooooves my soups...also loves those czech noodles too..hah...told him I wasn't happy till I got pictures of people with mouthful of food.

                     I'm so pissed.these pictures were not blurry til I posted them here. this is Evelyn who writes the Senior News for West News and calls bingo.
                                                    Heidi is so much help and Chris cooked one of the turkeys and made the dressing.

me(with ass dragging) Cynthia and Donna. her ass was dragging too. She's having knee surgery on 29th.
                               my favorite kids little sister, Sadona.  bought her $30 worth of toys and she was like her the $1 reindeer nose and she couldn't stop telling me thank you..

                       my kid...the best..sweetest, kindest, politest, most hard working kid there is ...Caydan.. Because he is a good kid, he wore the nose just long enough for me to take the picture and then took it off.. Damn I love this kid.

We had so much food left over that everyone got to take at least one plate of left overs home. I'm really proud of what we accomplished. Each person on route got $50 and drivers got $20. People that were so helpful like Chris and Heidi and Caydan got a little extra in their envelope. One family who are in dire straits got an extra $100. I told everyone this was my last year and everyone just laughed...sigh****


  1. Wow, what a feast! Looks like everyone enjoyed their meals tremendously! Caydan sounds like an outstanding kid being brought up well, with good values of community service. SO rare these days.

    Just keep reminding people that you have to slow down and retire from that workload. They need to find some new volunteers. They'll need a few just to replace you!

    That reminds me of when My Rare One retired from her job. They literally had to hire 3 people to do the same amount of work she did.

  2. Looks like a really lovely day. What pleases me the most is everyone got leftovers to take home so it's like an extra Christmas for them.

  3. Very nice. Even with your “ass dragging” you look happy, as you should! Everyone looks like they’re enjoying and I know you appreciate the difference you made in those lives. The world needs more Caydan’s doesn’t it? Restores your faith.
    Job well done. Now you have 9 months to birth a plan…

  4. Thanks for sharing these Jackiesue. You are a very special person for having done this for so many years.

  5. Bless you, you grumpy old chick! This is fabulous!!

  6. thank you all so much...we're all so proud at what we accomplished..I i got a phone call from the retired police chief who is a very dear friend and his aunt is on meals on wheels and she called him and thought there had been a mistake and wanted to make sure it went to the person it was for..he told her no it was for her and she was so happy and couldn't believer it was her christmas gift.
    and you're right..the world needs more Caydan's..
    now? I'm going to go take a nap..

  7. sincere admiration for all of you - blessings
    I wish I had something as fine to look back on


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