Tuesday, December 27, 2022

I'm bacccccccccccccccccccccck



  1. Welcome back, Jackiesue! I hope you're feeling rested and rejuvenated now!

    That first meme describes me PERFECTLY.

  2. The pitiful Federal minimum wage is $7.25? Didn't that get raised just last year?
    I like President Joe Biden's Christmas message.
    I like so many of these today, in particular the letter to Santa to take away all the guns.

  3. welcome back - missed you
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. G’morning, Jackiesue! It’s “Hell naw degrees outside “ here. Dogs won’t even stay out longer than necessary. Hope you’re rested and in fine fettle. Missed you.
    If I survive til December 26, the week between Christmas & New Year’s is my “Slacker week”.(With a capital “S”) I have 5 g’kids’ birthdays and ten days later we do Christmas. Sooooo…nada. Brain is disengaged, feet are up, little movement detected. It’s my gift to me and my sanity. Rather than cheese - it’s Christmas cookies.
    One meme explains everything. Cheeto Jesus gave everyone permission to be the worst of themselves. Never have so many lying, cheating, greedy,unapologetic, entitled assholes been unleashed. It’s time we put an end to that. Shunning and shaming have been effective for centuries. Time to push back.
    Whew, hit a nerve…
    A comment from last week… YES, thank you January 6th committee! Job well done. Historic.
    Thanks, YDG. Back to my hibernation.

  5. Debra, you would think I'd be rested and rejuvenated wouldn't you? Spent Sunday alone as everyone was skiing and then Dylan got strep and was allergic to ampicillin and was broke out in a rash and I went over Monday night and spend all day Tuesday with him and Abby and that was fun. Came home Tuesday night as Dylan could go back to daycare today. And today I have a shit ton of errands to run today.crap ola.. I'm sort of in agreement with you on that first meme.
    no River. It's remained the same...I hope that is something that Biden can change.yeah, that dear Santa letter..if true? was heart breaking.
    missed me too Ol'buzzard.
    Jerri...my ass is dragging. And I have tons of shit todo..ugh.. plus I will have all 3 of the gg's this new years like I did last year..this should be fun...I ordered caviar so they can have their first taste of the rich and famous..hahah..Dylan wanted to know if I was taking him 'to the bars'..where does that kid get his material?..not cheese or cookies here..I baked so damn many cheese cakes and pecan pies and apple pies I thought I aws off baking duties and then one of my volunteers called me and said she had flour sugar chocolate chips and pecans and did I want to make cookies for the center..oh yeah, sure..no problem...fuckme dirty..
    yup..Goddess bless the Jan 6th committee..hope it results in charges.
    to calm and soothe me I'm watching Country Life Vlog on youtube videos it's like zen to me...then later on I'll watch the veggie boys on youtube..
    I've been up for 2 hours and I'm ready for a nap...missed you too..

  6. by the way..this post was brought to you by my granddaughter who ran into walmart to grab me a wireless mouse cause I boke my old one so I could do my post..she said she hopes you appreciates it.bitches.

  7. Soooo many good ones. I'm sitting here nodding yes yes yes. I want to be hopeful that we'll be able to get rid of him, SOON. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Tell your granddaughter thank you.

  8. Happy New Year, ma'am! I missed your posts!

  9. Here I thought you'd be taking a well-deserved break until New Year's, Jackiesue! Big thanks to your granddaughter for solving your mouse snafu -- we'd all miss your posts otherwise!

  10. Sandy I sure as hell hope that there are charges made and upheld and he goes to jail and can never hold office again...
    good to see you Squato, been a long time since I heard from you
    Bunny, I actually am missing this Friday too..making cabbage soup for center and then I have the gg's new years which is going to be fun..I got them caviar ..this should be fun.
    river I just sent her a text telling her everyone thanked her for getting me my mouse..especially since she had worked about 12 hours that day..she's a good one..

  11. 2022 year of investigations. 2023 year of accountability.
    Biden vs Trump Christmas message. I'm just shaking my head at that one.
    Take a long break and get some rest. Go into hiding if you have to. Maybe Cruz will take you to Cancun if you ask.

  12. allan on my worse day I wouldn't go anywhere with Ted Cruz.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....