Wednesday, December 21, 2022

winter solstice and gg's



  1. Looks like you were actually at Santa's Workshop -- so cool! Happy Yule to you too, YDG!

  2. Happy Winter Solstice, YDG! May the goodness of sunrays brighten each day of your life. Those “Sunrays” are beautiful and growing up. Lush and lovely photos of a snapshot in time. Warms my heart ❤️

  3. These pictures are amazing. The kids are so cute with Santa. I can't believe they were so small and now look at them. Before you know it they will be graduating college. Where did the time go?

  4. A Merry Yule to you, my friend! Those photos are great. :)

  5. this photographer does amazing work. This is the 3rd year they've done them. Dylan is so cool with Santa. When they went to the mall to see him all the kids were either reluctant or crying...Dylan ran full tilt boogie right at him yelling Santa...Santa...crawled up in his lap and had a list of 73 kabillion things.hahah.. not shy that boy..

    well it's colder than a welldiggers ass I'm staying in and waiting for Jamie to bundle the gg's up and bringing them to me..we're going to make cocoa and chocolate chip cooks and home made pizzas...

    wishing you all the very have no idea how much you all mean to my and kisses you little fuckers..I love you.

  6. Don't be colder than a welldiggers ass! That would be a bad thing! It is a proven fact! Probably even worse than a witches tit! Cheers.

  7. Beautiful photos, Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Stay warm down there in TX, Gods know your governor and senator don't care if the lights are on or not.

  9. we had a really bad cold night..below's still freezing at night but not as bad as it was..
    Friday I took Abby and Dylan to the nursing home to deliver some gifts to a couple that are not only long time friends but were on our meals on wheels route..Dylan and Abby were so sweet. Wishing everyone merry christmas and a happy new year..I was really proud of them ..abby said she wanted to work there when she got older...she has a heart the size of a tender hearted..Dylan's a hugger..he was wishing everyone merry christmas and hugging them..we had our christmas this morning and I'm staying home tomorrow..I'm peopled out...Merry christmas y'all..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to