Wednesday, December 21, 2022

see ya, next Wednesday



  1. "Knowing what words mean is for socialists" -- hahahahaha! Thanks for the great lineup of LOLs this morning!

    Have a wonderful holiday season, YDG. Enjoy your family, especially those adorable GGs. See you next week!

  2. What a great line-up! Have a terrific holiday!

  3. thank you ladies and gents...have a happy happy holidays..with love from ydg in West, By Goddess, Texas.

  4. I never thought rich people were necessarily smart nor talented. Too many of them dispelled that myth.
    My gift from Santa is the “Box of Rocks & Bag of Hammers” fighting with each other. Omg. I don’t EVER want to meet their constituents speaking of embarrassing.
    Sitting and waiting for the Bomb Cyclone to hit. Brought in anything that could blow away or freeze. This could make Christmas challenging. We’ll see how tough my heated birdbath is.
    Happy Holidays! Stay safe and warm. Thanks for the thoughts & smiles.

  5. Jerri I think the gene pool on them rich people isnt very deep which makes them pretty dumb..ha..
    Jenni..stay safe and out of the wind..I keep feeding the stray cats and have fixed a place out of the wind for them but there is a big barn in the back with lots of straw and old cars for them to keep out of the weather..but wish I could bring them in but they wont even let me touch them and run if they are on the porch and I open the door...makes me feel bad. that wind is really whipping out's 31 with wind chill of 17..fuck me..

    merry yule y'all.

  6. Merry Christmas from South Carolina, where the temps dropped like a rock last night. It's 19 degrees, with a wind chill making it seem more like -7. Thanks for all the great memes and laughs. Hope you have a great holiday!

  7. it's been great Valerie...even with the below freezing weather..having the gg's for 2 days made it better..but I'm peopled out and going to take a nap during the football games...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to