Wednesday, April 19, 2023

what day is it? Saturday? Tuesday? sigh* that's easy...its today...



  1. Oh, those NRA ones are true scorchers! "Lights, camera, bullshit" -- exactly right! GRAY PRIDE -- hahahahaha, exactly!

  2. Some zingers in the lineup today. I’m thinking of the NRA/moving targets in particular but “Hatriots” needs to acquire general usage status.
    No, Clarence was a gift from Dubya. (YDG, you got me through those W/Cheney years when we both thought that was the worst it could get!. And here we are. Glad you’re a True Warrior)
    Revelations and ‘shrooms…would explain it.
    Stochastic Terrorist = shit-stirrer and couldn’t be more random. It’s his forte.
    Thank you for the nostalgia. I can smell the Elmer’s glue and feel the flesh searing July heat off that merry-go-round. And YES read as many - if not more - “forbidden “ books than “required” books!
    But once again, I’m the last one…but I consider it a “win”…I’ll take it.
    Thanks for the thoughts, Jackisue. Enjoy your “Today”.

  3. debra, Nra can kick my ass..grrr
    Jerri, I buy at least one banned book a month for the gg's...
    I could smell that glue..
    I like your stuff too Ricky.

  4. Happy weekend, Jackiesue. Thank you for the Friday chuckles. I appreciate you so much and am so glad to have you around.

  5. I'm an old wolf.
    Republicans will never allow sensible gun laws because fear and rage are their best tools to control their base. People getting shot is what keeps the fear and rage going.

  6. Thomas may not have been nominated by Drump but he sure fit in right away.


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