Friday, April 21, 2023

Where the fuck are you guys?

                                                      the third secret is my motto for life.


  1. Socks reincarnate as tupperware lids? That explains a lot!

    Just when you think gun nuts can't get any batshit crazier, the assholes start shooting kids whose basketball rolls into their yard, or who ring their doorbell.

    LET'S GO, SPANKY!!!!!

  2. “Get off my unicorn “ should be my mantra. Thanks Jackie Sue.

  3. I think Fox should be required to put one of those disclaimer statements like infomercial shows have. Something like "the following is does not present the truth or reality and is paid for by..." Or be required for the next 20 years to have as lead story after every commercial break the fact that they lied. How about captioning of the truth (that can't be turned off!) scrolling across the screen during entire show? That's probably too much to hope for though.

    Eat tacos over a tortilla?! Genius! I'm gonna do that from now on.

  4. Lots of good stuff! Somehow, the taco and tortilla idea is terrific! Have a good weekend!

  5. Republican voters are blind to the fact that since Reagan, republican politicians raise the debt and Democrats lower it.

  6. AND after I walked it off I got yelled at for “making a fuss”!
    Ignorance of the law is no excuse - you’d think a sitting “Supreme” Court justice would know that. He needs to be gone along with Amy and Doughy Brett. Anything Cheeto jesus touched should be nullified…and sanitized. Let’s go Spanky 🤭
    The Machiavellian sock / Tupperware exchange a-HA! I think clothes hangers might be involved too somehow.
    Thanks for the thoughts and the smiles, YDG, running a little low on optimism AND I’m back in my winter coat 🥶
    Hope you’re surrounded by Spring

  7. I'm glad I tunnelled out from under a foot of fresh, heavy snow to read your post today! Garbage Truck 1940s versus Garbage Truck today (FOX "News") is spot on. And "Teach our kids critical thinking so they don't elect sociopathic imbeciles" says it all... Hope you have a good weekend, Jackiesue!

  8. Basketball on a drive way, trying to get in the wrong car, knocking on the wrong door, turning around in the wrong drive way. Shooting at strangers is now a thing. And people ask me why I will never visit America?

    Republicans get more dangerous everyday.

  9. Happy Friday, Miss Jackie Sue! Starting the day screaming sounds so beneficial to my mental health these days. And, oh, yeah, Jesus telling kids stories is perfect. My friend just told me that a relative of her ex used to keep telling her she was going to hell because she is Jewish. So does that mean Jesus is going to hell? The stupid is strong with this one.

  10. Debra, I'm convinced that coathangers breed. You can put two coathangers in a closet and shut the door and open it a week later and there will be 53 coathangers in there.
    anonymous ...get off my unicorn. Should be on a t-shirt.
    Gail, I think that is a brilliant a national alert..just for stupid people.
    Rick, all I know is I'm hungry for tacos.
    Mike, it's all about the money. there is just more of it now.
    Jerri, right now central Texas doesn't know what the fuck it's going on. It's 81 one day and in the 50's the next. I don't know what to wear anymore.
    damn Bunny, where the fuck do you live? a foot of snow? Spring bluebonnets are finally dying out ..sigh* I'm doing a recoup weekend.
    Allan, I don't blame you. Why the fuck would anyone want to come here? If I had the money I'd move my entire family to Ireland..fuck.
    Valerie, well at least she'd be in good company in hell.
    stupid is as stupid does..fuck Forest was right.


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