Friday, May 19, 2023

I'm losing my sense of humor...blogster is fucking up my life.

 I can't get my memes to come up and just when I have a shitload of memes to pick from. so hopefully I can get this fixed before next week...


  1. sorry to hear your Blogger software is being an asshole.

  2. Ah, yes. Modern technology. - after that laaaaast shred of sanity we possess. Both the boon & the bane of our existence.
    Not only have we “taken it” we often asked “please may I have some more” 🫤
    Found my favorite right away…
    “Beware. well… just beware”. Fitting for the time.
    Learned something today…there’s Blogger software?!?
    Hang in there, Jackiesue. You will prevail! Get yourself back to the garden 😎

  3. I had that posting problem a few days ago but finally figured out how to use it. It's a pain, though.

  4. I don't like the new way to pull memes from my computer but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

  5. No worries, YDG -- this is just the universe's way of telling you to enjoy the weekend!

  6. Hope blogger quite being a turd and everything gets squared away, Jackiesue. Have a good weekend.

  7. arghghghghghghghghghghgh them fuckers...

  8. I am just going to pretend that you are relaxing at home and you have food and water and wine. If this situation continues for much longer, us your fans are going to ask debra she who seeks to investigate.

  9. Richard. No booze for me...I'm a happy drunk right up until I punch you in the throat.

  10. You want to punch me in the throat? What have i done to deserve this? I would never punch you in the throat.
    I always enjoy visiting your space. I respect you. I would never do this. Have i said something wrong?
    Probably i have said something wrong, that would be the simplest explanation.

  11. Richard. I loves ya baby...but when I drank? gimme enough whiskey and I'd go from laughter to slaughter in minutes..sorry..wouldn't have been you …would have been...........too much whiskey.


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