Wednesday, May 17, 2023

test results...................ain't gonna croak yet.



  1. Doordash delivery to Clarence Thomas -- HAHAHAHAHA! The totally straight beer -- LOL, stole that one! And that darn Jesus, always messing with my water bottle.

    Glad you got good test results, Jackiesue!

  2. Well, thank you for putting your test results in terms we can understand. Great news! I think there’s enough “ornery” in you to last for yearsπŸ’ͺ
    The difference between atheists and evangelicals - true.
    I like the “Republican Endorsed Killings” idea. Keep it real.
    But the dude with Donnie’s tattoo on his furry back is a SCREAM(ER)! In a very short time it will be “ Sasquatch Donnie” πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
    Thanks, Jackiesue, for the great lineup…and the good news. It’s finally time to garden here 🀞 My time to immerse myself in the good earth and try to forget the chaos that surrounds us.

  3. the entire cast of maids in that movie couldn't eat enough fiber in their whole lifetimes to make enough of Ms Jackson's special pies for those that deserve one.

    Good news on the test results!

  4. These are all great but that Doordash for Clarence Thomas was awesome. Minnie's special chocolate pie. Especially for him and his wife.
    ooooh, I think I threw out my back again. Well shit!

  5. I can sooo relate to the being tired one.

  6. Thank you for the superb ROFLs today!

  7. I loved the straight beer Debra..and Jesus needs to leave my water alone.
    Jerri, I can't even imagine putting that puckered-up fucker on my back..judas priest. Gardening is in my future this week..yeah sorta spring.
    Oh man, isn't that the truth Gail...but what a gift.
    oh Leanna, don't throw out the back.haha
    Oh Ricky...all the medicines I take are making me one giant ball of sleep..I hate it.
    you're more than welcome Beth..thank you.

  8. A picture of "Donnie fish-mouth" on your back? It would have been more appropriate on his butt. And I know the perfect place for that mouth.

  9. El Crapitan's rally organizers were worried they wouldn't be able to keep the crosses lit and the Doordash "special" delivery to Clarence Thomas -- AHAHAHAHAHA!

  10. "Choices"
    :( :( :(

    I dicovered I could lose a bit by eating breakfast later so I don't need lunch, then having dinner a bit earlier but not so early that I'm hungry again before bed. and I skip desserts most of the time.

  11. oh Mike, I so love how you think.
    Bunny I think the doordash meme is the overall favorite.
    Choices...I think that was pretty much my meal schedule before I became diabetic. now I'm supposed to eat on a regular schedule and the older I get the harder it is for me to do.


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