I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


if you don't agree with this post

Del Matin,87, and Phyllis Lyon,84 were married by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom on Monday. They have been together for over 50 years...Longer than Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins, Mickey Rooney, Jerry Lee Lewis, Robert Evans, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Billy Bob Thornton, Lana Turner and Geena Davis...all who have been married more than 5 times each in the 50 years that these two ladies have been together...If anyone is going to destroy the sanctity of marriage, it's them folk...I am overjoyed that they are allowed to marry...I just wish that they didn't have to go to so much trouble to make sure their partner is protected when one of them passes on...They've been together for over 50 years, but can't be on each other 's insurance plan, or get any of the benefits that a married couple is allowed to. When you have people that are serial brides or grooms and they can get all the benefits allowed by the government..it fucking sucks..Like our friend Kevin and R. who have been together for over 18 years and they can't get insurance for the other one...they are the proud and loving adoptive parents of 4 brothers and sisters, who they rescued from a terrible life, yet they are not legal parents. It's wrong wrong wrong..So I am hoping that Calif. will allow the gay marriages to stand, and that eventually it will be a federal law for all states, for all of our citizens..who if we are truly to be created equal, then we should all have equal rights..

So I raise my Dublin Dr Pepper bottle to the lovely brides and wish them best wishes and Goddess blessings....


Big Tex said...

Whenever I hear some right-wing nutter blathering on about the "sanctity of marriage," I'm always reminded of Britney Spears, who's been allowed to get married twice. Of course, we all know what a model mother she's been. I don't see how allowing gay people to marry could possibly damage the institution of marriage more than allowing dipshits like her to get married has done. The whole thing is completely, utterly pointless.

They'll be voting on an amendment to ban same-sex marriage in California this November. If it were up to me, the pro-gay marriage side would be running ads prominently featuring Britney and KFed, as an example of the hypocrisy and abject stupidity of these kinds of laws. But what's really hilarious is that even if they pass the amendment, the people who get married between now and then will remain married, because ex post facto laws are unconstitutional.

LostInColor said...

Raising my Dr. Pepper to yours!

Nit Wit said...

I thought I commented on this earlier but I must have read the poster at the beginning and did as I was told.
Glad to see that Supreme Courts are starting to follow the Constitutions that they swore to protect.
50 years. I was two when they got together.

Doralong said...

So sad those two lovely ladies had to wait so very long to get legal blessings on an obviously happy union.. May the goddess bless them in their remaining years.

Sanctity of marriage my ass, if that's the case- as other comments note- there are a hell of a lot of straight couples that shouldn't have been allowed to legally tie the knot either.

Anonymous said...

Cheers! It's about time.
...And cheers to you on all your posts! Loved the pics!

Anonymous said...

Here here!

Allan said...

One small step for peoplekind.

tsduff said...

Some very great friends of ours still can't tie the knot due to the fact that one is in the Coast Guard, and one is retired Coast Guard. Their love for each other is no less intense than that I feel for my own sweetheart. Damn. Go Gavin.

yellowdoggranny said...

to you all:..It's nice to know all my friends are of like mind when it comes to this subject..About 6 months ago I lost one of my favorite readers to this subject..some people just dont' get it..too bad...will make them a better person...

TheWayfarer said...

With all the benefits, come all the burdens as well.
The issue is not "gay" marriage or not, but rather whether the politricksters should be the gate-keepers on marriage at all? Further, whether they should have a say on what you can('t) do as married, tax you excessively, &c.
Further, I think a last bastion and refuge of people who didn't want the government in their freaking bedrooms has just been destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Cheers and all the blessings in the world to these happy couples!