"The older I get, the more I admire and crave competence, just simple competence, in any field
from adultry to zoology."....H.L.Mencken..
Ain't that the truth...
General discharge urged for protesting Marine vet.
A Marine Corps panel recommended a general discharge Monday for Cpl.Adam Kokesh, the Iraq war veteran who wore his uniform to a protest rally against the war...Cpl. Kokesh would not lose any military benefits if the
recommendation is approved by Brig. Gen.
Darrell Moore, one of two officers who
received his obscene e-mail
I am going to find out how to email Brig. Gen. Moore my ownself..have I got an obscene e-mail for him....them fuckers...I wish everyone would send him an obscene e-mail...like 'get the fuck out of Iraq'....huggs...
Ah...Texas is yet again..number one..
In states with the highest total carbon
dioxide emissions
in million metric tons in 2003. Each
metric ton is 2,204.6 pounds
271 ...Pennsylvania
As each and everyone of you know...I have a sick twisted sense of justice..of right and wrong..and the punishment for the crime...these
2 articles cracked me up..because I think the punishment for the first article should be the same punishment of the second one...
Officials in Nigeria have brought criminal charges againsst pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc.for the company's alleged role in the deaths of children who received an unapproved drug during a meningitis epidemic.
The government alleges that Pfizer researchers selected 200 children and infants from crowds at a makeshift epidemic camp in Kano and gave about
half of the group an untested antibiotic called Trovan. Researchers gave the other children what the lawsuit describes as a dangerously low dose of a comparison drug made by Hoffman-Laroche.
In a written statement, Pzizer said the company believes it did nothing wrong and emphasized that children with meningitis have a high fatality rate.
Nigerian officials say Pfizer's actions resulted in the deaths of an unspecified number of children and left others deaf, paralyzed, blind or brain damaged...
article 2...
Former head of food, drug agency admitted he
received bribes and was sentenced to death Tuesday after pleading guilty to corruption and accepting bribes, according to the state-controlled news media..
You know ...it's not important what the rest of the article says...hahahahahahah...But too bad they can't put to death the Pfizer officials that were responsible for the deaths of those
children..Just saying...
Gotta say one thing for the Chinese...they don't play around when you screw up...and that was just about money...of course it was THEIR money not ours.
We need a little Chinese punishment for the Bush Administration....yeah buddy..
fuckme till I'm Chinese..