or is it just google.??? If I'm not commenting on your blog it's not because I'm not trying. Some times I can comment and no trouble..most of the time it will send me to sign in with goggle and then I'll hit it to comment and it sends me back to my sign in and it just keeps on doing that..or it will sign me in as anonymous..Don't know what the fuck is the matter..Blogspot has been fucked up since they went down for those 2-3 days..so don't think I'm not coming by and reading..I am..just can't comment. I've had other people tell me they have trouble commenting here too.I've sent 3 different emails to google, but they send them to outer space..cause no one every replies..fuckers...
have a great holiday..I'm not getting out of my got sausage t-shirt till Tuesday..going to be hot and humid and I'm pooped...jeez...I am getting old..can't do the stuff I used to ...oh, I can do it..but I suffer for a week afterwards..old and wobbly....
I've been having similar problems commenting on Blogger blogs. Come to Wordpress! All is good there!
I would..but I'd lose my header.and not losing my header.
You REALLY don't want to get me started on this. It seems to be getting worse all the fkn time instead of better! Error messages with secret codes is what I run into most.
Typepad doesn't seem to be having problems either that I've heard about.
Blogger's having all kinds of pain-in-the-ass issues right now, isn't it?
Take it easy this weekend -- rest and relax. You deserve it, Champion Pie Baker!
I want to bitch about it too but I was taught to not look a gift horse in the mouth, whatever that means. Anyway, it's free and you get what you pay for.
I side with Mr. Charleston. Go bake another championship caliber pie and shaddup!:)
Trouble here too with comments but I seem to able to comment on yours now.
Comment, comment, comment. Etc.
Nobody comments on my blog anymore. I guess it's just tooo boring.
Same problems. I think that Blogger has decided not to continuing investment in their service therefore their capacity is shrinking. By cutting us back to "sometime" getting comments, and stopping us from following [did you notice it's absent from the top line and replaced with facebook, twitter share choices?] they are maintaining with the presnet capacity.
It's all crap. Hit or miss. And loading pictures is a real hoot.
I've thought about Wordpress, but aside from this current frustration, I just really like Blogger.
And yea... it is free, so I'll limit my whining.
free is no excuse for bad service.
I was beginning to think the problem was my low understanding of computers anyway! I think Blogger is making things worse. Hope this gets posted properly.
I hope they get it straightened out - its been nearly a week now and it's still snafu'ed.
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