I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I bless you all


Cie Cheesemeister said...

The same to you, and for the coming year.

billy pilgrim said...

it's about feckin time somebody blessed me.

i'm guessin the goddess has been blessing t.o. and his team mates all year.

Kalibitch said...

Grabbing the blessing and running before someone snatches it back.

Cyberoutlaw said...

Hope your Christmas holiday was a good one, JS!

Nit Wit said...

Bless you back.
You know what I like about new years?
Football is almost over and spring training is only 6 weeks away.

AngelConradie said...

and the same to you ydg- i SO look forward to reading more of your blog in the coming years!!!

texlahoma said...

Your old friend Sooner got a great Christmas present $$$$$$$, I guess your blessings work.

yellowdoggranny said...

cheese:thanks sweety..
billypilgrim:I light candles and pray for you all the time..along with the rest of my band of merry readers...does that help? and the goddess likes the cowboys because of the star...
Kalibitch:fast little sucker ain'tcha?
cyber:well,for what it was..it was a great christmas..
nitwit:yup, but what about all the players taking hgh and steroids?...will they be able to suit up a team?
angel:im looking for something good to post about...hope it pleases ya..
tex:I know...isn't that fucking fantastic?...holy shit..the goodess really did bless him....

BBC said...

Thank you, Spirit blesses you also. Keep that chin up and those tits out.

Jan said...

The Goddess has never been in better form. And she chose YOUR readers to bless. That seems appropriate.

Congrats on home field .

billy pilgrim said...

thanks, i can use all the candle power i can get.

i'd light a candle for you but the sometimes not so lovely mrs myshkin won't let me set any fires.

McRaven said...

Back at ya JackieSue!