I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, July 10, 2015

I'M HOT..I'M SULTRY, I'M STEAMY............ cool off it 's only Friday.


MarkD60 said...

I like the Doonsbury the best!
Have a good weekend!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Wounded Female veterans - and for what?


the Ol'Buzzard

Anonymous said...

One of the best Putins ever. I'm not sure what the message of following Bernie with the Bloom County of Bill the Cat contemplating his dick.

yellowdoggranny said...

I usually have the last one picked out before I do anything else..some time there is nothing to the arrangemnent and sometimes there is.

Fundy Blue said...

Thought provoking as always, Jackiesue! I'm so glad that The Donald is running in the GOP primary. It's going to be fun to watch! I was just in Alaska and saw Sarah Palin's backyard (but not Russia). Have a good weekend!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

An outstanding lineup of LOLs -- food for thought or good LOLs in all of them! I hope your weekend is going well!

Intense Guy said...

I am just amaze by the folks that get worked up into a lather over bits of cloth and even words used in name calling. Shakes head in disgust at the bulk of humankind.