I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Parker's Park in West, Texas - Point of Interest Tour

$220,000 of the money used for Parker's Park was raised by Parker the son of one of the first responders who was killed in the explosion, rushing to the fire. He sold hot dog's..we have come along way..in the distance you can see the new West Rest Haven..love my little town..


Jan said...

you all (Texas talk) have a lot to be proud of. Was this built on the site of the explosion?

yellowdoggranny said...

no it was built where the old park used to be...which was completely destroyed..when it goes up in the air ..way off to the left you can see where the plant used to be.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

So wonderful and inspiring...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a great looking park and facility! That playground! Nice to see West getting back on its feet. Townspeople will love that park, I'm sure.

Which has just made me think -- what do you call someone who lives in West? Westerners?

yellowdoggranny said...

Westites...or Czech's

Intense Guy said...

Nice to see people joining together to help each other!