I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, November 11, 2016

this pretty much sums it up for me.


lotta joy said...

As my black fire chief used to hammer us with: "You might not agree with me, but I AM the chief". I was never prejudiced until he got finished playing "thump the whities who work for me". So, you might not agree with the president, but he IS going to be the president, and as an American, he's YOUR president. Get over it.

PipeTobacco said...

In my opinion we do not have to get "over I" as much as recognize the new (horrendous) reality. Clinton really may not have been good, but she was predictable and better for that reason.

lotta joy said...

Pipe and E. There's not enough liquor to get over any of this horrendous debacle.

lotta joy said...

Jackie, I didn't mean to offend you. There's so much in life we have to accept, or get over. I've had to get over childhood abuse, marital abuse, and now illnesses I didn't earn and upcoming surgeries I didn't request. It's a matter of survival and emotional health. In the grand scheme of things, If you don't have your health, who is president - or not - doesn't mean a shit.

yellowdoggranny said...

I wasn't offended..I was pissed...I have gotten over the same things you have..plus 4 back surgeries and shooting my 3rd husband..I got over it ...but at 73 I'm at the fuck it stage..I don't want to get over it...which is my right..and if you have an on going illness you should be feeling the same way..cause that president has said he's taking your insurance away..so? I'll get over it when I'm damn good and ready.

Tewshooz said...

Actually, Repeal and REPLACE is what he said about health insurance. Personally I can't afford rate hikes of over 30% year after year. It is oK if you are on welfare getting all the free shit, but those of us who work for a living are bearing the brunt of this evil government health care scam.