I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, December 05, 2016


 I think he ate sauteed balls with a side of crispy crow.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You can tell by the look on Mitt Romney's face in that photo that he knows perfectly well he's whoring himself out. At least he still has the decency to look ashamed, for what that's worth. I actually quite like and respect Mitt Romney as a person (though not his politics of course) because I have this weird kinky affection for Mormons, so I'm sad to see him line up now with all the others to kiss Trump's ass. Goodbye respect.

yellowdoggranny said...

any respect I had for Romney? gone...

PipeTobacco said...

The thought that keeps coming to mind in this is that we are now a nation living a four year episode of the tv show Big Brother. That show's catch phrase is "expect the unexpected." It is going to be damn scary.