I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

time, is on my hands..yes it is..

so I've been a little busy lately..how busy you ask?..
1 huge pot of chicken noodle soup for friends, batch of caramel brownies for their son. 
9 cheesecakes
2 pecan pies
a batch of chocolate chip cookies
2 batches of cake balls and 4 pans of lasagna and a partridge in a pear tree.
so between now and new year(I still have more cake balls to make and a few more cheesecakes) the posts will be here, just won't be as many..don't have a lot of time to gather the memes up..
all this baking is something I do every year..I bake to say thank you..but just so you don't think I have lost my badassness..?.. I delivered each pie or cookies with a here's your fucking Christmas gift..or fecking if there were kids around.
the best part is the grandma's pitched in so I could have some time off to do the rest of my shopping and all this baking. 
1 full week..I miss the gg's so much but I really did need it..baking may be a lot of work..but not like herding kids..ha..plus the little prince ..wow, that boy.. I sit on the floor to play with him and he likes to grab my tshirt and pull himself up..well I was a little farther away than usual and he grabbed my tshirt a little lower and ended up grabbing my nipples and pulling himself up ..all 20 pounds of him..I am pretty sure I have 3 inch long nipples now..I was yelling at him the whole time..'not the nipples, not the nipples.'..funny now..but at the time..not so much.
 9 months old..
 they are growing up so fast.
 my son's wife..Nana..the little red head is Delilah, her granddaughter from her oldest son.
 she has her hands full.

Daniel asked Jenny to marry him and we're all very happy..


Debra She Who Seeks said...

OMG Jackiesue, are you running a commercial cooking and baking establishment out of your home kitchen? SO MUCH FOOD! But I know everyone you gift it too will appreciate it and love eating it!

Oh my, that Little Prince! LOLOL!

Congrats to Daniel and Jenny!

yellowdoggranny said...

baking and cooking for people is how I say thank you..the food went to my Cujo's office, old corner drugs, post office, police and city hall, the emergency ambulance peeps..vfw commander and his wife..Josh's mom and dad sister and his son..Barbara, Daniels step dad..who did I forget? hahah..if you were here? I'd bake for you too for all the years of sending me money for my oldies..Goddess bless you Debra.

Valerie said...

Yes, it is the season of marathon baking! Your family is lovely. I guess with babies (not mine) I got off easy--they only pulled my hair.

pam nash said...

Wow! You are one busy lady! I like to bake but you get the ATTA GIRL! award. How nice to say thanks to so many - so, not only busy but thoughtful along side. Lovely pictures - lovely family.

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie..just when I think I'm done? I remember someone.but it's fun...but the older I get the harder it is to get this all done..ha
thankyou Pam..yeah, I think I lucked out..no ugly kids..haha