I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, January 17, 2020

tiny navy bean, sausage, cabbage and tomato base soup


Valerie said...

Thanks, Jackie Sue! Hope you have a great weekend!

AZ Guy said...

3. The pupil-less, zombie eyes stable genius
2. Twitter is banned in Iran
1. Pics of Lev & the the Trump family and top Rethugs

Glad you made it and hope your cheesecake and cake spheroids went well.


Vivian Swift said...

Hi JackieSue! Thank you for these. Now I can start the weekend as an informed and happy citizen.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, the accordion one -- I was completely fooled too! Dog's ass versus Fox news, LOL! And that last one -- snap, crackle, pop -- too true!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Keep-um coming - we need you
the Ol'Buzzard

yellowdoggranny said...

valerie...thats a done deal...
Azguy..I'll let you know Monday how the balls and cheesecakes turned out..
vivian...do all I can to make you all happy..
Debra..I make old man noises..ha
ol'buzzard...not going anywhere..

PipeTobacco said...

I have to admit the “accordion” one was my favorite today. I sure as hell hope Bolton gets to testify..... and that he tells the TRUTH so nothing can be denied and the Repos have to look deep in themselves and either do the right thing or admit how shameful they are.


Geo. said...

Forceful, intelligent and informative post. Thanks! I sure hope this year contains some sanity.

The Blog Fodder said...

Moist people do not notice a changed word at the beginning of a sentence

yellowdoggranny said...

pipe..I liked that one too..ha
Geo..wouldn't that be wonderful? intelligent information..sigh*
fodder? moist it be me?