I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Saturday, March 07, 2020


in Jamie's kitchen with Chewy at my feet..he follows me ever where..my new short haircut, wanted to get all the bleach out and see how much gray has come in. Not near as much as I had thought..I don't think I realized how much weight I have lost till I saw this picture..55 pounds and counting..course I could lose another 55 pounds and my tits would be the same..


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lookin' good, YDG! That t-shirt is SO YOU!

Dale said...

Move over Marilyn we got us a new pin-up \o/

Teacats said...

You look fantastic, love your hair!! -- and the tee shirt is the BEST!!

Jan at Rosemary Cottage

pam nash said...

wonderful picture!

yellowdoggranny said...

I saw this tshirt pop up on facebook with a little ole white haired lady wearing it..I thought? hey I can wear that..so committed that I wanted that shirt...one of my friends Izzy ordered it and shipped it to me...calling my bluff..well I wore it to the grands houses where the gg's thought it was hysterical and the best tshirt ever..their moms were not happy ..hahah

I'm still not impressed with the hair cut..she always does the best job, and I don't think she was actually listening to me..short on sides and back long on top..uh..not exactly..but it will grow out..and the platinum will be gone..I'm just happy about the tshirt.

Valerie said...

Excellent! I need to get this shirt. Although in SC, I might get shot or something.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm not sure how safe I would be anywhere in texas wearing that tshirt..but I'm willing to try.