I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, April 24, 2020



Valerie said...

Happy Friday, Miss Jackie! Loved the good morning greeting. Amen. Our governor is opening beaches and retail stores, and inviting tourists. Great. More people to compete for TP and hand sanitizer. I think I may have to build a bunker.

Vivian Swift said...

I'm in New York and Andrew Cuomo is my governor. A "Liberate New York" rally got about 50 people in trucks driving around a traffic circle in buffalo. They even brought Confederate flags because, sure, why not bring a flag of a lost cause.

I hate the New York winters, but there's to a single state with warm Decembers that I would care to live in. Crap.

Thanks for Friday, JackieSue. Have a great weekend.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, those protesting Covidiots are fighting for "freedumb" alright. And yes, they're the Flu Klux Klan! Love the guy dressed as the Grim Reaper on the Florida beach -- brilliant!

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie..it makes me angry and sad at the same time..stay in if you can, wear gloves and mask if you can't..love you.
Vivian..you have Cuomo..can't do any better..be safe.I love you..
Debra..you already know I love you..I have a double cd of K.D. Lang and every time I hear her sing about Ontario I think of you..

jono said...

Stay safe down there and please don't shoot up any Clorox or ingest any UV light bulbs. Let's make the Dotard do it first.

AZ Guy said...

Peggy Sue,

Thanks for including Trumpanzees! I wanted it out of my heart and into the digital world !

Peace !

AZ Guy said...

Peggy Sue. . . AGAIN ! ! !

Sorry. . . I'm operating at 1/2 brain power. . .

AZ Guy

yellowdoggranny said...

Jono, I leave the house I wear mask and gloves and have wipes that I wipe everything down with..we have one case of the virus is west and they are quarantined for 3 weeks..all the police and emergency people are told about this person..Muska (mayor) thinks we can open some business's because we are a small town ...but we are also off I-35 and people from all over stop at Czech Stop and Slovecek's and who the hell knows anything about them..if he opens some of the business's I think masks and gloves are required to enter any business..and waiting to see if city hall opens first..sigh*
Gary...I love that you call me Peggy Sue..makes me laugh..my first father in law used to call me Cindy Lou..I loove that trumpanzies..stay safe all my friends.

The Blog Fodder said...

The people being forced back to work are the expendables. No one in GOP cares if they live or die, they vote Dem.