I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, June 19, 2020

short but sweet


Valerie said...

Thanks, Jackie Sue. Hope everything worked out for you yesterday. Have a great weekend!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"We're not erasing history, we're making history" -- that's exactly right. History moves on. All the anti-confederate statue memes are accurate.

Vivian Swift said...

Thank you for being here -- now the weekend can begin! I hope everything went well for you, and that this is a sign that you are feeling fit ti keep up the fight.

Ol'Buzzard said...

You keep us grounded. Keep them coming.
the Ol'Buzzard

Jerri said...

Ditto what Ol'Buzzard said.
I have a crisp $20...where does the line form to punch Jared?
Good energy coming to you, Jackiesue.

Anonymous said...

Walk it off - my favorite!

I hope you are well and have a great, relaxing weekend.


yellowdoggranny said...

soon as I get results I will let everyone know..today? I'm resting my tired old ass..they fixed my a/c so that makes me happy..might make some meat pies tonight..got the mold makers to make 3 different sizes of pies...or pasties ..depends on where you're from..made some the other night and are sooo good.have a great weekend...chin up tits out..and for the guys? don't let your meat loaf.

Anonymous said...

You, Ms. Jackie Sue, have gone above and beyond for us once again, and as usual. Your choices are on point, as usual.

Hoping your results are within the normal range and you regain your energy quickly.

Take care, tough lady! Have a wonderful weekend.


Mr. Shife said...

Lots of good ones this week, jackiesue. Thank you. I can't wait to see how everything shakes out tomorrow in Tulsa.

Anne Johnson said...

I sent off my first-ever mail-in ballot this week. Felt like victory, dropping that lil cutie in the mailbox.

PipeTobacco said...

The tRump Kool-Aid one has got to be in my top 10 of all time!!!! So perfectly horrid and true!


yellowdoggranny said...

thank you Jamie...think all I've done for past 2 days is nap..we had a rain storm last night and lost electricity at 4..the minute my fan went off I shot out of bed like a cannon..felt my way down the wall to the matches and candles..damn I need to remember to get a flash light..came back on at 6:30 and went back to sleep at about 8 and been sleeping off and on all day..shot down another day of 'I was going to clean)..more rest coming.
thank you Mr shife..and they already made their first arrest of a peaceful protester..fuckem.
ah, Anne, my hero.
glad you like it pipe...thanks everyone..should know by Monday my results..I hope..

The Blog Fodder said...

Proper channels says it all