I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, October 30, 2020

4 days and we're kicking that asshole out of our house.

                             a picture is a 100 words

                           imagine your kid or grandkid here.
or as my friend Howie Fox says..Today is National Cat Day. What Donald Trump refers to as "Grab Some Pussy Day."

         this asshole took out his gun and waved and pointed it a bunch of kids that were protesting trump...did he get shot by police? nope.far as I know he's still roaming free.

                  i have to figure out a way to delete these when I accidentally post a picture twice..since blogger has changed everything.I can't figure out how to delete anything..fuckers.

        you also have to remember this asshole was one of the masterminds behind putting kids in cages....so fuck him.

              maybe it's a good thing this double posted..we need to be reminded.


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Bidey senses," LOL! "If Covid made dicks fall off" -- very true! And I like that final one too.