I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, September 05, 2022

fuckaduck I"m still tired. and cousin talked me into going to the chip and Joanna show in Waco.

 I have been so fucking busy this past 3 days..cousins came from out of town for westfest, I actually went..hotter than a two peckered goat out there.wore my ass out...and Penny(cousin..who we had never met face to face..thanks facebook) talked me into going to the chip and joanna shit show cause she's having a starting at a dollar sale and who can resist that? sigh...*** so sorry folks...I got nothing for you...but will let you know what kind of shit I bought..cu Wed.


squatlo said...

Enjoy your day off, Jackie Sue!

Ozma G said...

Have fun, but shop carefully. I've just emptied my 35 year home and the neat stuff really does pile up after awhile.

Jimmy T said...

Just knowing you're still alive is enough. Good to see you get out now and then, even when it's insufferably hot there. Myself and Cindy T had family over yesterday for a chicken Bar-B-Que. Drank some beer and other things talked a lot while luxuriating in the 82 degree Oregon heatwave. We had a lot of fun...

SickoRicko said...

Take a day off! Have fun!

anonymous said...

Chip and Joanna.....aren't they major Trumpers and homophobes? Hope I'm wrong on that one. Have fun and hope
you find some goodies.
Paranormal John

Leanna said...

Have fun my dear. I now have a reason to save up for your birthday. Hee hee hee.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy your cousins and get some shopping deals! Then have a good rest with a cold drink!

The Blog Fodder said...

You got this, girl. Just don't melt in the heat.

River said...

Get some rest, have a nap or three.

yellowdoggranny said...

well you know how you think someone is going to be great fun and then you realize....I'm to fucking old for this shit? yeah, well that was me this weekend. Friday I did our 3-4 hour shopping trip, then Saturday I did the parade which was a lot of standing and walking then Me and the cousins went to Magnolia whatever sale and I failed..I started walking and after about 50 feet I said how far is it and where are we going and they pointed way the fuck over there and I said I can't do it..my back was killing me and my right leg was giving out so cousin husband went and got the car and dropped us off at the 100 yard line to get to the sale. We sat while he stood in line for us and then we walked around in the crowded tent and I got about 40.00 worth of stuff and then my leg and back said fuck this and I found a post with base and sat on it while my cousin Penny who has a black belt in shopping went nuts. haha.. lord is she funny. then while she was still shopping we went to bench and tables and sat. lots of dogs who know I'm a kindred spirit so they were all over me and that was great. Then when we got up my right leg gave out and I fell...lucky it was from a sitting position so it wasn't far. But pissed me off and embarrassed me. Upset my cousins cause they felt like it was their fault by doing it. But I could have said no.. I'm a growd up. Earlier Penny had said you're so energetic and do so much we forget that your nearly 80..I think my body said 'what? 80..fuck that.' and started to fail..so I don't have anything to do this week so I'm ...not doing anything this week. Cause I feel like hammered shit.

Daal said...

supper hot here too - enjoy kicking back :-)

yellowdoggranny said...

Daal, I'm still resting..but it is getting cooler..it's been below 100 for 2 weeks..hot damn.

pam nash said...

Ooooooo - a dollar sale? I hope you got good shit!!