I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

you have to suffer to sing the blues....which is why I prefer rock and roll...

                                     lady drove thru a West kolache place...Czech Stop...



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, the driver who crashed into the Czech Stop wasn't stopped by those safety poles at the front of each parking space! They need a better barrier!

Once again, John Cleese cuts right through the bullshit. Love that final meme too!

Jerri said...

From an Ohioan (Buckeye)…YOU GO, Michigan! Whooo! 💪
A bumpy Humpday - and the Ides…looking for glimmers.
John Cleese!
Sweet,hilarious science. It’s coming for you, Repubs. What’s left of you.
Ron’s white go-go/milking boots.
No more PE! That DOES put it in perspective.
Thanks, Jackiesue. I needed that. Hope you’re meditating your ass off.

Skepticat said...

You make my day three days a week; thanks for the dose of great humor.

SickoRicko said...

I never liked P.E.

The Blog Fodder said...

Hurrah for Michigan and Geraldine

Tundra Bunny said...

So many great LOLs in your line-up today, YDG: Bank collapse season already?, the new underground railroad, sweet hilarious science and drag queen forefathers!

Happy Hump Day!

yellowdoggranny said...

it's weird Debra..those safety poles have been there since the 70's and no one has ever driven thru them...someone said she had a new car and accidentally hit gas and then panicked and floorboarded it..or she just wanted a kolache really bad. I love John Cleese.
Jerri...I loved PE...until one year they decided to have 'modern dance' along with PE...I threw a hissy fit and refused to participate..stupid..
I'm not big on meditating..
skeptical, well that makes me feel good..sorta like dr pepper..instead 10 2 and 4..it's monday Wed and Friday.haha
Ricky I loved it..
exactly Allan, exactly.
bunny..........I got your hump..

River said...

I almost never participated in PE, always volunteering to keep score when team games were on. I did like the folk dancing though.

yellowdoggranny said...

that's the only thing I didn't like about PE is when they had modern dance...I refused to flit around the gym floor with long scarves...