I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Blessings on you my children...

I'm here for the Super Bowl, and I need some one to answer one question for me...If the Super Bowl is so super.. why do they have it again next year?....
The Yellow Dog says she doesn't care who wins as her beloved Cowboys aren't in it..I don't care either, I'm only here for the stuffed jalapenos with cheese..sooo..
You're all invited to ask the Goddess any question you'd like...what would you like to know...and don't ask me who'll win the game as I don't care enough to find out..But Loki is with me..so look for some touch down high jinx's..


Anonymous said...

Bless the marriage of MS and Yahoo!

sageweb said...

Have you ever made out with another woman? I know very juvenile...but that is me.

more cowbell said...

Dear Goddess: Why do you think so many football fans hate the Patsies, I mean the Pats?

Nit Wit said...

My question for the Goddess is. Is it wrong to get turned on by your semi clothed mammary monuments?

The Stupid bowl is on during my vacation just to annoy me.

Come on spring training.

Kalibitch said...

Is there a plague of stupid running loose?

Will Woozie and Gaddy ever kiss and makeup?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

billy pilgrim said...

why did hitler like the cowboys so much?

were he and jerry jones long lost brothers?

LostInColor said...

How does deja vu work? what causes it?

Anne Johnson said...

why was I born a person and not a cat?

Anonymous said...

Oh Goddess,
Please let the New England Patriots get their ass kicked/let YG bip them a good one.
Thanks and Amen.

Sling said...

I don't care who wins the Superbowl,and I've watched every one since 1632..
Oh!..and I know the answer to lostinco's question!
Deja vu works at the speed of light.
So you experience something,and it is instantly locked in your memory,and then retrieved so fast that you think it has happened before...See?
Go Pat's!

Prairie Gothic said...

Forgot to wish you a happy merry, Imbolc!

texlahoma said...

Kalibitch's question about the glue not sticking to the inside of the bottle blew my mind. That's a much better question than I was going to ask, whatever it was.

Anonymous said...

Let me watch the Soup Bowl with you Jackie Sue. You watch the game and I shall watch you !! :-)

Rox said...

If you could sleep with a rock star, alive or dead (we'd bring him/her back for the occasion) who would you choose and why?

Allan said...

"... why do they have it again next year?"

I wonder the same thing about Christmas.