I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

not my circus..not my clown...


Grandma K said...

Trump scared me to death. The possibility of him taking office is beyond my imagination - at least it was. The wing nuts that follow him are making it seem plausible, and that really scares me. He is worse than Hitler.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Right on, Conan O'Brien! And I hadn't seen that Stats Can one before -- hahahahaha!

billy pilgrim said...

trump is not worse than hitler. they're not even in the same league.

Jono said...

Their base are the Teabaggers who probably make up less than 30% of the party, but they seem to be calling the shots at the moment. Trump is the head clown of the circus with low 20's percentage. That hasn't changed significantly since he came on the scene. I doubt any non-Republicans would consider him presidential material. I am basing my hopes on sane people voting 11 months from now. I read another blog that referred to the Republicans as the party of recreational anger. Anger is their platform and I hope the voters can see something beyond that as worthwhile, so I think voter turnout will again be the key in the upcoming election.

Ol'Buzzard said...

A Wednesday post... hooray!
the Ol'Buzzard